[44] - Math Is Difficult - (Part Two)

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What the fuck??? Like half of 2018 has passed????? What the fuck????

Warnings: none I think

I just went through 700+ notifications and I am so happy because you are all so kind and I don't care that it took me 2 hours


(This is, like, 4 months later)

They were sitting in math class, now Logan had moved so that they sat next to each other. Currently Logan was explaining the same thing that their teacher was explaining on the board, but they didn't even seem to mind that Logan was speaking whilst they were teaching. To be honest they were just happy that Virgil was doing better in their class and had given Logan their permission to help Virgil even while they were teaching.

Being tutored by Logan was working out perfectly. It was extremely helpful since Logan actually had the time to explain a problem until Virgil understood how to solve it. His teacher never did since they had a class of 40 students which all needed help.

Except for Logan. Virgil had never seen him raise his hand because he needed help. He was a natural at math. Virgil was very jealous of that, but then again, if he wasn't so lousy at math he wouldn't have met Logan. And that certainly would suck. He, Roman, Logan and Patton were friends now, they hung out all the time. Well, Roman and Patton were a bit more than friends.

They had mostly spent the tutoring flirting with each other (which had been annoying to have to watch), and they had now been dating for a few weeks. Virgil was brought back to reality when Logan poked his cheek. His face instantly heated up and he returned his focus to what Logan was explaining.

"You know, it will be easier to understand this if you actually listen to me when I explain it to you." Logan said with a small smile.

"Sorry." Virgil immediately apologized. He really wished he was better at focusing. As soon as he thought of something else his mind just drifted away. It was completely lousy. And the fact that Logan was so distracting himself was not helping at all. How was he supposed to solve math when Logan was sitting really close, or leaning over his shoulder?

Yes, Virgil had gone and developed feelings for his friend. It was dumb, one of the dumbest things he had done actually. But what could he do? It's not like he could control the feelings he felt for Logan. He wished he could, he really did. They had became great friends during the time they had known each other, and Virgil did not want to be the one to ruin it.

But there was always a little voice in the back of his mind that said that Roman and Patton had not ruined their friendship when they started dating. It was dumb, but it kept the hope alive in Virgil that, maybe, Logan could like him too. But he doubted it and he wouldn't dare to ask Logan how he really felt.

So for now he had to be content with Logan being his tutor and best friend. Which was perfect too, but he always wished he and Logan could be something more.


"So, we'll drag Patton and Roman with us and study some? I am only three pages after the rest of the rest of the class right now, so it'd be good if we could study this evening. As long as you don't have anything else to do today." Virgil said. He'd managed to start taking like a normal human being, but of course it soon turned into awkward rambling. Sometimes speaking was just difficult?

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