[98] - Name

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This is set before accepting anxiety so no using Virgil's name

...which was hard, I'm not good with names

Warnings: no?

Misspelling highlights:


Anxiety's head was resting on his shoulder, the room around them was quiet. Now that Logan and Anxiety were together and his room no longer affected Logan as seriously the two of them loved to spend some time, just the two of them, in Anxiety's room. It was further away from the other sides than Logan's room was and therefore less likely that they would be bothered by others.

Then again, the only person that would be knocking on the door was Patton who now and then came and gave Anxiety cookies and tried to drag him to join some of their movie nights or dinners, something that Logan knew he avoided because of Roman's less than pleasant company.

Discreetly holding Anxiety's hand under the table while they ate or hidden beneath a blanket while they watched movies did not work because his boyfriend got too worried it would be seen by one of the other two.

Logan did hope that Patton would not be wanting to talk to Anxiety tonight, he did not want to have to sink out of the room or come up with an excuse as to why he was in Anxiety's room, sitting next to Anxiety himself on his bed.

No, it would be quite hard to explain if anyone saw them now as they (as far as anyone was concerned) were not close friends, but neither of them thought of that. Logan was more focused on the heavy weight on his shoulder, the warmth from Anxiety's body and the sheer fact that they now had a whole night together after having had to act at least slightly hostile towards the other while filming a video.

Anxiety shifted beside him, the weight on Logan's shoulder disappearing. Anxiety was now sitting on his knees on the mattress next to him and Logan could feel himself being observed.

"Hey..." Anxiety's voice was soft and made Logan turn his head towards him with a small smile. Anxiety only ever spoke to him like that if they were alone. Logan wouldn't admit it, but it made him feel special, in a way.

"Greetings." He said, closing his book (which he hadn't been paying much attention too anyway) after making sure his bookmark was in place and putting it next to himself on the bed before turning to look at his boyfriend. Anxiety bit his lip, clearly having some sort of inner debate.

"Is there something you'd like to say?" Logan asked, trying to help Anxiety to speak

"Yeah." He said, clearing his throat. "I was wondering, uh..."

"This might be a weird question, but why haven't you asked for my name?" He asked. Logan tilted his head, eyes searching his boyfriends face to determine how serious his question was.

"Why would I ask?" Logan said, quiety wondering if he should have asked. Did Anxiety want him to ask? Logan had never really thought about that, he had dismissed it as unlikely. He knew Anxiety would tell him his actual name when he found it fitting.

"I just... I had expected you to ask by now." Anxiety said. Logan could not piece this all together and only kept staring at his boyfriend, presumably looking quite confused.

"You know, because we're... together, and all that. I mean, most people know their boyfriends name." He continued quietly, fidgeting with his hands and sounding very unsure of himself. Logan tilted his head a bit, finally understanding what Anxiety was on about. Logan supposed it was only logical for him to be anxious about such a thing.

"Do you want to tell me? Do you feel ready to reveal that information about yourself?" Logan asked, and only Anxiety stared at him for a moment before carefully shaking his head.

"I don't know... Maybe not yet." He then said, very obviously avoiding to look at Logan as he spoke.

"Then I don't want you to." Logan said, and Anxiety looked more surprised than Logan would've wanted him to. Anxiety's comfort was much more important to him than knowing his name, he wished Anxiety himself would understand that.

"You being my boyfriend does not obligate you in any way to share information you'd rather keep to yourself. Your actual name is nothing I need to know. All I need to know is my feelings for you, and that the both of us are comfortable and happy in this relationship." Logan said, because this was very obvious to him, but apparently not to Anxiety.

Anxiety took Logan's hand in his, entwining their fingers and then pressing the back of Logan's hand to his chest, a gesture that Logan had quite quickly picked up on meaning 'I love you but I'm not going to say it out loud.'

He squeezed Anxiety's hand, lifting his free arm up to invite Anxiety to a hug. He gladly took Logan up on that offer, using the opportunity to hide his face in the crook of Logan's neck. Logan let go of his hand, looping both his arms around Anxiety. Logan let his eyes slip shut, simply relishing in having Anxiety in his arms.

Anxiety untangled himself from Logan, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before sitting back down next to Logan, head resting on his shoulder again.

Logan picked his book up, opening it and pushing the bookmark away, trying his best at focusing on reading, which almost worked. Anxiety was scrolling through tumblr on his phone, now and then giggling at something he read (which Logan had to admit was adorable) but otherwise the both of them were sat in a comfortable quiet, not feeling the need to say anything else and simply spending time close to the other.

Logan put an arm around Anxiety's shoulders, wishing that he was better at articulating his feelings, even if he knew it'd just end up making his boyfriend very, very flustered. But instead of attempting to verbally expressing his fondness he slowly ran his fingers through Anxiety's hair, at least until Logan noticed he had fallen asleep.

Logan couldn't help but to smile, then putting his book away yet again. Coming to the conclusion that it was for the best if the both of them got some sleep he gently nudged Anxiety awake enough for him to lie down properly, immediately rolling over and throwing an arm tightly around Logan before he fell back asleep in a mere second.

Logan glanced at Anxiety before carefully, carefully shifting into a more comfortable position, ignoring the fluttery feeling in his chest as Anxiety momentarily tightened his grip as if he was scared Logan would leave. Logan pecked Anxiety's cheek, letting out a small, content sigh.

No, he certainly did not need to know Anxiety's name to know he loved him.


Written: 22nd & 23rd February 2019
Published: 19th March 2019
Words: 1247

Hey do you guys read this on your phone, tablet or computer? Because that matters a lot when it comes to the length of paragraphs

I don't like reading too long paragraphs lol

Do u guys have any idea how many times I wrote virgil instead of anxiety while writing this fic

,,way too many

I swear if I missed a virgil anywhere in the fic-

Oh also yeah I was hella anxious last night but I'm better now, don't worry about me

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