[52] - No Sleep - (Part Two)

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IN CASE NO ONE TOLD YOU TODAY, you are enough, I am proud over you, you look stunning today, and you are valid, important and always accepted here. I love you guys💗

When I write a scene using the word yawn and play the scene in my head it makes me yawn

I love my wife and my five adopted children

Warnings: none, probably a bit of swearing


Virgil woke up, in a room that was not his own. He laid there and stared at the wall he was facing and after a few seconds of confusion he remembered what had happened last night. He rolled over, finding Logan a few feet away, still fast asleep and with his back towards Virgil. He was relieved to see that his movements were not restricted anymore.

Slowly sitting up he looked at the room he was in. He had not been in Logan's room many times, maybe only once before, and had never really had time to really look around. There were several bookshelves that covered a whole wall, all so full of books that some were stacked on top of the ones neatly standing in the shelf.

One shelf was full of boxes that looked to be containing puzzles. The walls were light grey and here and there there were posters hung up, some from Doctor Who, some from Sherlock, a couple with constellations of stars, and a few other posters which Virgil guessed had something to do with scientists.

Beside the bed there was a dresser, the one Virgil had found Logan's pajamas in. In front of the wall opposite of the bed Logan's desk were stood. On it Logan had several stacks of papers and some more books, pencils, pens, notebooks, and other items. The room was clean, no clothes, papers or items were scattered on the floor, like they were in Virgil's room.

He suffocated a yawn, looking over at Logan again and then carefully slipping out from beneath the covers, leaving Logan alone in his bed. He had slept in his clothes, which did not bother him, it just meant he didn't have to change. He glanced at the clock above the door and was surprised to see that it was half past one, they had really slept for a long time.

He tiptoed out of the room, closing the door behind him and making his way to the kitchen. It was empty and he started to make some coffee, eating some candies from a bowl on the kitchen table as he waited for the coffee to be finished. He then heard steps coming towards the kitchen and saw Patton appear in the doorway.

"Good morning, Virgil!" Patton chirped with a big smile when seeing him. "I was just on my way to wake you up! Both you and Logan slept in really late today."

"Oh, really?" Virgil said, trying to sound as if that was news to him, because he was not supposed to know if Logan was awake yet or not. It was not unusual that he slept for most of the day though, he usually didn't wake up before 11am-12pm no matter when he had gone to bed. The longest he had slept was until 3 pm. He would have slept longer, but he'd been woken up by the other sides, because they had started to worry about him.

"Yeah, I'm going to go and wake him up right now." He said, cheerfully as ever, but Virgil made a quick decision and interrupted him.

"You know, Patton, I'll wake him up, I was on my way to speak to him anyway." Virgil said, which was not a complete lie, he was going back to Logan's room.

"Alright." Patton smiled again and patted Virgil's shoulder. He poured up coffee in two cups, taking them in his hands and leaving Patton and the kitchen.

"If you need me I will be in the imagination with Roman!" Patton called after him, and Virgil shouted back a reply so that Patton knew he had heard him, before continuing on his way back to Logan's room.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now