[112] - A Long Time Coming (Part Two)

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Summary: this is like ten years later and they're just being cute?

Warnings: mentions of past homophobia I guess


Logan had no idea why Virgil was bringing him back to the town where they had lived the majority of their lives, though as Virgil parked their car a little bit outside of town, right by a forest that Logan knew very well he began to get an idea why they were there.

He stepped out of the car, staring at the ever so familiar forest, seeing a path they had walked down possibly a thousand times before. It all looked like it had ten years ago, except for slight alterations in the nature around them.

Virgil grabbed a backpack and put it on and then taking a box from the trunk, handing it to Logan. He supposed he was the one who had to carry it all the way, though it was only fair that he helped carry their stuff, even if he was not sure what it was they had with them.

The path through the forest were barely there. Logan supposed he and Virgil really had been the only ones using it, but now that were many years ago and the forest had claimed the path again, it was overgrown with grass and other small plants.

It didn't take that long for them to reach 'their' place, at least the half an hour seemed to go by quickly. Logan saw the field in front of them and carefully put the box down in the grass as soon as they had walked past the edge of the forest.

Logan stood and stared out over the field, it was almost scary how it looked mostly the same as it had the last time they had been there. It made him remember both good and bad things and he was feeling a lot of mixed emotions.

Virgil took a blanket out of the backpack he was now kneeling by, shaking it out into its full size and spreading it out over the grass. Then he carefully put it on the blanket before walking up to Logan.

Virgil's hand found his and squeezed it reassuringly, a reminder that Virgil was there with him and always would be. Logan turned to Virgil, smiled at him and leaned in and kissed him.

Slow, loving, all that Logan needed.

Logan looked down at their entwined fingers, seeing the matching wedding rings and smiling despite those having been there for many years. It was a constant reminder of the fact that they made it and they had a life together, and that they were happy. Really, truly happy.

It had been Virgil proposing, not even two years after they'd left this town and moved further away than they had even hoped for, now living together in an apartment in a much bigger town with much nicer people. If Virgil had just waited another week with proposing then Logan would've been the one to propose, he'd had it all planned out, but Virgil had ruined his plans.

Not that Logan had been upset about that. Not in the least. According to Virgil Logan had cried when realizing Virgil was asking him to marry him, though Logan wasn't going to admit that. Even if it was a bit more than eight years ago now.

"You good, Lo?" Virgil asked, nudging him and pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Yes, just thinking. We've got a lot of memories from here during those nine years we met up here to play or stargaze or just talk. Though I cannot decide if some of them are happy or sad." Logan said, looking up at the sky that had began to darken.

"Maybe they're both." Virgil said with a shrug. A moment later Logan's eyes fell on the first star that began to be faintly visible. He felt Virgil tug at his hand and he followed him to the blanket and they sat down together.

"We weren't really unhappy, especially not here, but this wasn't a good place to grow up as a gay and antisocial person, that's for sure." Virgil said. Logan couldn't agree more.

"Yes, both." Logan said and pulled Virgil closer, pressing a kiss to his cheek. That made memories flood back from all the times they had gone here as kids to show the other the slightest bit of affection. They had always done that since that town hadn't viewed physical contact even between two friends of the same gender as a good thing, but even more so those last four months they had lived here.

There had been a lot of sneaking of to be alone then. It had been much harder to be around their families during those last months. Not only because of how their escape seemed so close, but also because of the simple reason that leaving hadn't felt all good (even if both Logan and Virgil now agreed it was the best decision they've ever made).

Thinking back Logan knew they could perhaps have handled the whole 'leave town' ordeal in a better way, but at the time it had seemed that their best chance for success were to pack the essentials they needed, get in Virgil's car at 2am and simply drive away.

That way it had taken several hours until anyone had noticed they were gone and even longer before they had started to worry and begun calling their phones. Logan supposed it had been a little cruel of him to leave without as much as a goodbye or a letter telling his parents why he had gone.

Though it of course wasn't less cruel of their parents and relatives to drop contact with them as soon as they found out why he and Virgil had left. As soon as they knew they made sure to let him and Virgil know exactly how they felt about it, it hadn't been a pleasant experience at all. But that was long ago now, and as Logan turned his gaze back to Virgil he found him smiling softly at him.

"You still haven't told me why we're here." Logan said, only growing more curious when Virgil failed to hide a wider grin.

"Can't I take my husband out for a picnic somewhere that was really important for us?" He asked innocently, looking at Logan in that kind of way that had always made him feel as if his heart melted a bit. At least he'd always been good at hiding how Virgil made him feel.

Though now it was a long time since he had had to hide those things, and therefore Logan didn't even try and hide his smile.

"Well... of course you can." Logan said, unsure what else to say. He kept his gaze on Virgil until he rolled his eyes at him.

"Fine. Open the box." Virgil pointed at the cardboard box that he'd carried all the way from the car. Logan sent him a wondering glance but all he received was an innocent smile. He retrieved the box from where he had left it, only three meters from where they were sat, and opened it.

"A... telescope." Logan said, looking up at Virgil, smile tugging at his lips.

"Well, you always said you wanted to look at the stars with a telescope, and it's been soon ten years so it's about time, right?" Virgil said with a small shrug, letting out a yelp when Logan pulled him into a hug.

"This is incredibly sweet of you, and I cannot believe you've remembered it for this long." Logan said.

"Well, you told me almost every time we went here for several years, so..." Virgil said, and while that was true it still baffled Logan that Virgil would remember something like that.

"Yes but the fact remain that it was ten years ago." Logan said. Virgil just shrugged, returning the hug. He pulled Logan even closer and buried his face into Logan's shoulder for a moment before almost letting go of him as he leaned back a little bit.

"Whatever, help me put it together, will you?" Virgil mumbled, trying to brush this off as nothing but Logan could with ease see on him that he was pleasantly surprised by Logan's reaction.

Logan didn't miss the way Virgil's gaze softened when fixing on him as he one-handedly began unpacking the parts and he let his other hand linger on Virgil's back for as long as he could comfortably do so while they got ready for a night of eating whatever food Virgil had brought,loads of cuddling, and (definitely) a lot of stargazing.


Written: 12th, 15th, 18th, 20th May 2019
Published: 3rd June 2019
Words: 1482

Tomorrow is my last day of school for this school year :D

Though I have 1 week of summer school later to finish two assignments ahah😅

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