[186] - Karens

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Analogical go brrrrrr

Warnings: idk logan had a tiresome day at work,

short one also I cant believe I actually names this one karens :/


With a weary sigh Logan closed the door behind him, kicking his shoes off and leaving his backpack with his stuff in the hall. He'd have to deal with one too many Karens today and he was exhausted. He made his way into the living room, finding his boyfriend on the couch, lazily looking at some video on his phone.

"Welcome home, starshine." He said softly, beckoning Logan over and Logan sat down next to him. He smiled faintly at the pet name.

"Shit day?" Virgil asked, reading him with ease. He nodded and Virgil's hands were immediately on him, rubbing his back and massaging his shoulders. That made at least half the stress in Logan melt away and he slipped his eyes shut as Virgil pressed his lips to the nape of his neck. He hummed in appreciation.

"Want to talk about it?" Virgil asked, leaning his chin on Logan's shoulder and wrapping his arms around his middle, chest pressed to Logan's back.

"I've just," Logan sighed and leaned his head against Virgil's, "met a lot of Karens today."

"Oh, yikes." Virgil said. His boyfriend knew all about Karens, he worked in a restaurant and Logan had heard many interesting stories of the height of human stupidity.

"I've had a whole day of 'no ma'am, you cannot return a book that your child ripped all the pages out of, yes ma'am you have to pay for a new one' and 'yes sir, you need to pay a fee if you're returning the book two years too late." Logan complained.

"I don't understand how people just... lack common sense? Why are there so many stupid people? And can they please stay away from me?" Logan frowned and Virgil laughed quietly, he could feel the vibrations from his chest.

"You'll have to get a restraining order." He suggested and Logan really wished that he could, it would just make life a lot simpler. Then he wouldn't have to deal with people getting unreasonably angry and loud just because they dropped a book in the bath and then had to pay for a replacement for the now unreadable book.

"Go change into comfy clothes and then come back here." Virgil said, moving away from Logan who wouldn't at all have minded staying like they were for a while longer. But he did as Virgil had told him to, waking to their shared bedroom and changing into a pair of sweatpants and one of Virgil's t-shirts, then grabbing one of his boyfriends hoodies too, pulling it on before joining Virgil in the living room again.

The lights were off and the only light came from the fairy lights Virgil had insisted on hanging by the window and the tv which was playing a nature documentary. Virgil was lying sprawled out on the couch, tapping on his phone.

When he noticed Logan in the room he flashed him the phone screen, showing that he'd ordered pizza. Logan was pulled down onto the couch, comfortably laying down with his back to Virgil, being the 'little spoon' or whatever it was called.

"You keep stealing my shit." Virgil said, giving Logan an undeniably soft look. Logan felt comforted wearing his boyfriend's clothes sometimes, and he knew Virgil thought it was really cute when he did (Logan did not agree), so there was absolutely no reason not to steal Virgil's hoodies now and then.

This was Virgil's go-to solution any time Logan was having a difficult or challenging day, order take out and cuddle while watching something Logan liked. It was incredibly caring of him and always made Logan feel so much better, which he tried to show by returning the favor whenever Virgil needed it.

Virgil's legs tangled with his and Logan took one of his boyfriends hands, kissing the back of it as they laid there together and watched the nature documentary in the wait for their food to be delivered, talking a bit about their plans for the weekend and exchanging a few sappy words, Logan forgetting all about today being bad.


Written: 8th & 9th November 2020
Published: 16th January 2021
Words: 749

Hi pls go read my other oneshot book for all the ships and pls leave comments 👉👈

Have a lot of oneshots coming there :) this book only has room for like 10 more

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