[138] - Visit

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Human au

Summary: roman and patton visits. virgil and logan ends up having something to think about

Warnings: briefest mention of Logan's dad not having been the best, bit of insecurity


Virgil had just taken a shower and gotten dressed, clothes taken from a drawer with suspiciously neatly folded clothes. Then he'd checked what his husband was up to, concluding that he wasn't being very entertaining at the moment.

Logan was off in the kitchen, wiping the cabinet doors (which, for the record, were already clean) in the wait of their friends coming over. 

Logan had the tendency to start cleaning and organizing when he got nervous, bored, or stressed. Virgil wasn't sure which of those were the cause this time, but the books in their bookshelves had been rearranged from alphabetically to color coded, and all the clothes in Virgil's drawers had been folded. Even his underwear.

Virgil supposed this was part of the deal when marrying Logan, all those years ago. Not that Virgil minded, even if it took him more than five minutes each time he wanted to find a certain book, he would never ever have the patience to fold his own clothes and was slightly glad Logan sometimes took the time to do it for him.

Virgil left his spot on their couch and tiptoed into the kitchen, sneaking up behind Logan and wrapping his arms around his middle. Logan didn't even flinch.

"Lo, hun, those cupboard doors have never been cleaner. Despite, I'm sure they'll be here any moment so put that rag and the cleaning fluid away." He said, kissing Logan's jaw and then taking a step back. He didn't have to face Logan to know that he'd just rolled his eyes at him, but just a second later their doorbell rang.

"Told you so." Virgil said with a grin and Logan put the stuff away in the cupboard under the sink, then following Virgil to the door.

They opened the door and were met by their two best friends, Roman and Patton, and carried in Patton's arms, their newly adopted son.

"Aw, well aren't you three adorable." Virgil said. Many greetings were exchanged and Virgil held the door up for their friends to enter, then closing it as Roman and Patton took their shoes off.

Roman turned to Logan, who was staring at the two month old as if he'd never seen a baby up close before. Virgil gave Patton a careful hug, only putting one arm around him and not stepping too close since he still had the baby in his arms. The little one was dressed in a lion onesie in infant size and was looking incredibly cute.

"Never seen a baby before, or what, Logan?" Roman said with a laugh and gave him a hug.

"Want to hold him?" He then asked, and Logan's eyes widened.

"Me? Oh, no, I don't know how-" Logan began, taking a step back and holding his hands up.

"Nonsense! Patton, let Logan hold him." Roman said, patting Logan's shoulder reassuringly. Logan looked close to mortified as Patton walked up to him.

"See how I hold my arms? Just copy this, yes, exactly like that," Patton said, placing their son in Logan's arms, "right, so he's lying on your arm, and the other one you use to keep him in place and to support his head better. Perfect."

They all made their way into the living room, Logan walking very slowly and still looking slightly terrified as he followed them all. Virgil gave him a few amused glances. Logan had always been slightly... at a loss with children.

Logan sat down between Virgil and Patton on the couch, still looking nervous about being the one to be holding the baby, but no longer as if his heart had stopped.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now