[36] - Blue Words - (Part One)

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Human AU

Summary: soulmate AU where you have the first words your soulmate will say to you tattooed on your wrist in black ink and when they say the words the ink color changes to blue

Warning: just some swearing


Logan hurried through the library, carrying several textbooks and notebooks under his arm, if he didn't get from the library to his lecture hall in seven minutes he'd be late. Logan had never been late to a class in his whole life so far, and he wasn't going to start now. He glanced down at his clock on his wrist again, not paying any attention to the familiar words tattooed beneath it, and cursed at himself for getting into this situation.

He had been busy studying for the maths test he was going to have later this week and had forgotten that this was the class that started at 11:20, not 11:40 like it said on the schedule. He really should print out the new schedule that had the correct time but he was always busy studying. And as a result he now had six minutes to get to class. But just as he turned around a bookshelf he ran right into someone which resulted in him falling backwards and dropping everything he had been holding. Great.

"Oh, holy fucking shit, are you okay?!" A voice exclaimed and his eyes fell on a boy with purple hair who stood in front of him, looking down at him with a concerned expression on his face. Logan stared for a second, surprised, the boy was handsome and his words had startled him, he wasn't sure why but then he remembered that he had to run to class and started to pile up his books so that he could easily pick them back up. He didn't have time to look at pretty guys now, he needed to get to class.

"I'm fine, sorry, I'm in a rush." Logan said before grabbing his stuff and continuing to rush through the big library. Logan heard the boy call after him, but couldn't hear what he had said.

He hoped that the purple haired boy hadn't thought he was rude, if he had time he would've stayed and apologized for running right into him but right now he thought it more important to get to class before the professor locked the door, than to stay and chat with a stranger. Even though it had been a very cute stranger and he looked to be the same age as Logan. He ran as fast as he could, determined to make it to class in four minutes.

He did manage to get there in time, he slowed down outside the classroom, trying to catch his breath, entering the classroom just as his professor locked the door behind him. He held his side, trying to will away the stabbing pain he felt while he wished that he would never have to run again. He really wasn't someone who moved a lot, Logan spent most of his time reading or studying. There wasn't much time for other things when trying to graduate college with good grades.

Logan sat down in the back of the lecture hall next to his friend, Roman, who had already opened his books and poured out all of his highlighters over the table. He greeted Logan who just brushed away a blue highlighter that had rolled over to his part of the table before putting down all of his books.

He listened as Roman started gushing about that guy he had a crush on, Patton he thought his name was. Roman had admired him from afar for months but never had the courage to actually ask him out. Logan had told him that it was stupid and that he should but he could also understand his fear.

He supposed it was neat that everyone was born with the first words their soulmate would say to them tattooed on their wrist, then you would know when someone was the right one, but it was of course hard when you started liking someone and it turned out you weren't soulmates. He found it quite funny though, that Roman easily flirted with anyone and was overly confident around most people, except for when he got a crush.

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