[108] - Hypothetically

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Let's pretend I follow my posting schedule

So many of my classmates pull allnighters, come to school looking like death and then sleeps through class???


It was quite calm and quiet in the mindscape in the morning. No one was blasting music, the tv wasn't playing anything. Patton and Logan were the only two awake yet, though the others would surely join them soon.

Patton was quietly humming on a song that Thomas had had stuck in his head for two days while flipping a pancake. Roman was nowhere to be seen, but in the corner of his eye Logan saw how Virgil stomped into the kitchen.

Virgil was now standing there in his slightly too big pajamas, giving everyone and everything glares as he poured himself a cup of coffee. And Logan didn't understand why the sight of the grumpy, half asleep, anxious side made him feel a flutter in his chest. Logan shook his head to himself, watching as Virgil trudged up to the table, putting his cup down with a loud thunk.

He sat down and immediately rested his head in his arms, a hand around the cup but not looking like he was going to drink it. Logan took a sip from his own half empty cup of coffee, hoping that the caffeine would kick in soon. He had gotten his recommended eight hours of sleep, but he was still tired. As always. Though Virgil who was sitting in front of him looked to be much worse off than Logan. Virgil slowly sat up again, resting his head in his hand.

"Have you not gotten a sufficient amount of sleep, Virgil?" Logan questioned, and judging by the stare he received instead of an answer he could tell that whatever rest Virgil had gotten, if any, had not lasted long nor been anywhere near enough.

"Did we not discuss the importance of a consistent sleep schedule?" Logan said, because he and Virgil had had a long conversation a few weeks ago about Virgil's habits of staying up late and how that affected the amount of anxiety that he felt. Logan could not understand why he would've disregarded all they had talked about when he'd seemed so willing to listen to Logan then.

"Here's breakfast." Patton interrupted, smiling and setting them each a plate of pancakes. Virgil gave Logan another stare, standing up.

"I'm not hungry, Pat." And with that he left the room, leaving Logan feeling guilty and not understanding why. He had not said anything that should have upset Virgil, had he?

Logan proceeded to eat his breakfast in silence, listening to Patton excitedly talk. Maybe it was rude, but Logan could not concentrate on what he was saying. Luckily Roman joined them at the table and he and Patton held a lively discussion that Logan did not have to take part in.

He told Patton thanks for the breakfast and put away his dirty dishes, then leaving Patton and Roman to continue their discussion.

Logan had almost gotten to his room, hand hovering by the door handle before he stopped. He looked down the hallway, eyes lingering by Virgil's door. The black door was closed, as always.

Logan lowered his hand, turning away from his door and walking to the end of the hallway. He did not know what came over him, but he found himself carefully knocking on Virgil's door. He wanted to make sure Virgil was okay, especially if he had been the reason Virgil got upset, even if he did not understand how that had happened.

"Virgil?" Logan asked. There was no reply and Logan stood outside of Virgil's room for a few monents, trying to decide if he should just leave Virgil be or enter uninvited, internally weighing pros and cons for either decision. It only took him a moment to decide on the latter, deciding that checking to see if Virgil was alright was worth possibly being yelled at.

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