[144] - A Bad Day And Involuntary Smiles

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Warnings: bad day, bad mood, mentioned homophobia

Based off of some tumblr post but I don't have it saved lol

I know I should've published yesterday but consider this; I forgot lmao


Logan practically slammed the door to his and his boyfriend's apartment, kicking his shoes off, stomping straight to the couch in the living room. He threw himself face first down onto the couch, not even having taken his backpack off yet.

His day had been shit. Just utter shit.

All Logan wanted to do now was curl up somewhere and be left alone until he forgot about the world. But the universe wasn't that kind to him because of course his boyfriend was at home already and of course him shutting the door hard would alert him that something was wrong.

He could hear Virgil's steps coming from their bedroom, then hear him sigh as he surely spotted Logan on the couch. A moment later Logan felt the dip in the couch cushion as Virgil sat down next to where Logan had his face pressed into the couch.

At first neither of them spoke, Virgil only running his hand through Logan's hair calmingly, fingers tangling in the strands.

"Bad day?" Virgil asked, voice caring and soft and careful, which for some reason agitated Logan further since close to everything annoyed him when he was in this mood.

"No, my day has been fucking fantastic." He muttered, then immediately feeling bad when Virgil's fingers in his hair stilled and he heard him sigh again because Virgil was the last person who Logan should lash out on, he was just trying to make sure Logan was okay, Logan knew that.

"I'm sorry." He said, the words leaving a sour taste in his mouth. He pushed himself up in a sitting position, not really looking right at Virgil, not until one of Virgil's hands cupped his cheek. Logan recognised the look on Virgil's face, and he shook his head, knowing what was to come.

"Don't do it, you better not do it." He said, but Virgil clearly didn't care in the least and only smiled at him, big, bright smile. Logan's only weakness.

He couldn't help it, no matter how horrid of a day he had had, he felt himself smile right back at Virgil. He hated how Virgil's stupid smile seemed to light up the world, how no matter how hard he tried it was impossible not to smile when Virgil smiled like that. Something Virgil most definitely knew and always used against him.

"You're awful, truly awful." Logan said, ducking his head even though he knew that Virgil had already seen him smile. Virgil only pulled him in for a hug, which Logan accepted albeit slightly reluctantly. He rested his head on Virgil's shoulder, allowing his eyes to slip shut and to forget about everything for a moment and only focus on Virgil's arms around him.

"Want to talk about your horrible day?" Virgil asked, and Logan knew that it was better to get it all out now so he wouldn't go around pissed about it the whole day.

"Yes, please." Logan said and wrapped his arms around Virgil too.

"Just want to vent, or do you want me to give you pity or advice?" Virgil asked, which was an effective way not to give any unwanted advice or anything else.

"Just want to rant, thank you."

"I'm all ears." Virgil said, and Logan took a short while to collect his thoughts so he would be rambling in hopefully coherent sentences.

"I just hate being a teacher sometimes. 'The children are our future' my ass." Logan said mockingly, ignoring how Virgil let out a snort.

"Sure, many kids are fine. But there is this annoying student in one of the classes I'm teaching, he keeps interrupting me. Which would be fine if he was correcting me, because I do not want to teach something wrong, but everything he says is wildly incorrect. The most infuriating part is that he thinks he is so right." Logan said. He tried liking all his students, he really tried, but some simply made it impossible.

"No, wait, I lied. The most annoying thing is how ignorant he is. I've heard him say many nasty things about other students of mine, mainly the queer ones. I've tried talking to him about it but he just keeps calling me different kinds of slurs that sometimes makes me wish I wasn't openly gay. I've told you this before though." This was indeed not the first time Logan had been complaining about this particular student of his, neither did he think it was the last, sadly.

"During my lunch break I brought it up with the other teachers in the teacher's lounge, which I've meant to do for a long time, and of course that one teacher, you know who, overheard and started defending him because, and I quote, 'we all have different opinions and we shouldn't be attacked for that' and none of the other teachers seemed to have the energy to argue, and neither did I." Logan loosened his grip to Virgil, which had become considerably tighter as he'd been speaking.

"Plus it was raining on the way home and the bus was late so I had to stand in the rain, so I'm grumpy and damp, which is highly uncomfortable." Logan added, just having to complain about all he could at the moment. Sometimes he just wanted to quit his job so bad, to work at another school, but he could never abandon the students that needed him. He sighed deeply, burying his face into the crook of Virgil's neck.

"Thank you for listening." He said after a few seconds of silence, not being able to think of anything else to add. Plus he just wanted to forget about all this now.

Virgil carefully pushed Logan back a bit, then pressing a kiss to Logan's forehead.

"You're welcome. Now go change into your pj's and then come help me make dinner." He said, smiling again, that damn wonderful and contagious smile, but Logan was less annoyed about smiling at Virgil now.

Virgil got up from the couch, going into the kitchen and Logan could hear how he started rummaging through the fridge. Logan took his backpack off, leaving it on the couch and ignoring the fact that he needed to grade tests this weekend. Instead he did as Virgil told him to and changed out of his clothes and into a pair of pajama bottoms and a black t-shirt that they had long forgotten which one of them it had once belonged to.

He gave himself a glance in the mirror, noticing that his hair was a mess but too lazy to fix it. Virgil was the only one who was going to see him and he always claimed that Logan looked cute with messy hair anyways so why bother?

He joined Virgil in the kitchen, standing next to him as he was scrolling on his phone (surely reading a recipe as he was stood with several ingredients already laid out before him), one of Logan's hands on his lower back.

"What are we making? And how can I help?" Logan asked, and Virgil started reading out loud from the recipe on his phone for Logan. Apparently they were making pasta with some sort of shrimp sauce. Virgil had Logan choosing which kind of pasta they were having (he chose the wheel pasta because that's the best pasta, no one can change his mind) and then peeling the shrimp while Virgil prepared some of the other ingredients to the sauce.

Logan saw Virgil glancing at him and he looked right at him, this time smiling without Virgil having to force him to it.

Virgil really could make his whole day turn around with ease.


Written: 31st August 2019
Published: 23rd October 2019
Words: 1352

G o d I can't wait for autumn break that begins on friday, need me that week away from school, gonna spend it with my godmother :D

Gonna write so much!

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