[67] - Three Words

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You can probably tell but I'm tired as I write this


Logan was awoken from his nap by soft knocks on his door, and he blinked a few times in an attempt to regain his focus. He was still wearing his glasses, though they had slid down on his nose, and he pushed them up with an finger before sitting up with a small groan.

He hadn't actually meant to fall asleep, he had just been taking a short break from his work, sitting down on his bed with a book that he was in the middle of. He must have been more tired than he had originally thought, otherwise he wouldn't have fallen asleep in the middle of reading.

The door opened, revealing his boyfriend, Virgil, who stepped into the room and gave Logan an apologetic smile. He stepped closer to Logan, eyes wandering from his hair, that was surely a mess, to his wrinkled clothes.

"Did I wake you?" He asked, and Logan nodded, picking the book, that was still lying in his lap, up and putting it down on the nightstand beside his bed. He yawned and took the hand that Virgil was holding out for him, allowing him to help him up from his bed.

Logan leaned against Virgil, resting his head on his shoulder. If he would have let himself he could have easily fallen back asleep right there and then, despite standing up. Virgil was warm and comfortable, he was still sleepy and what he most of all wanted to do was to lie back down and cuddle with Virgil, but he couldn't do that right now. It was only 6pm, not the most ideal time to go to bed.

He lifted his head up and lazily kissed Virgil, loving the feeling of their mouths pressed together and Virgil's arms wrapping around his waist. They parted a few moments later and Virgil ran a hand through Logan's messy hair, trying to comb it with his fingers. Logan leaned into the calming touch and Virgil showed a tiny smile.

"Dinner is ready, Lo. Patton and Roman are waiting for us at the table." He murmured softly, pressing a quick kiss to Logan's cheek. He hummed quietly, taking one of Virgil's hands in his and entwining their fingers, letting Virgil drag him towards the kitchen. Roman and Patton had cooked tonight, they'd made pasta with some kind of pasta sauce, it tasted wonderful, and eating something made Logan feel a bit more awake.

Dinner went by quickly, and after helping cleaning the kitchen up, they all gathered on the couch in the mindscape's living room. It was friday, and that meant they were watching a movie together. Tonight's choice was Megamind, a movie that Logan actually quite enjoyed, especially after learning that Virgil held a certain appreciation for that movie. He leaned against Virgil under the dark blue blanket they were sharing, leaning his head against his shoulder and smiled as Virgil turned his head and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

Patton and Roman were snuggled up on the couch too, they had never said anything about the subject, but both Logan and Virgil were fairly sure that they were a couple too. They didn't feel like asking, in case they would rather not talk about it, after all it wasn't really their business, and the two of them had not asked any invasive questions when Logan and Virgil had become a couple.

Logan glanced up at Virgil, who was smiling at the screen. Logan missed whatever funny thing it was that had happened, he was far too distracted by how beautiful Virgil was, especially when he smiled or laughed. It was during small, unexpected, moments like these when Logan sometimes realized how utterly hopelessly in love he was with Virgil, and sometimes the realization almost scared him, because these feelings were so much more than he could actually comprehend, but right now he only felt as if nothing better could have ever happened to him, and he was so incredibly lucky to have Virgil.

It was hard to return his focus to the movie, and if Logan was completely honest he didn't really pay much attention to the screen during the rest of the evening. His thoughts just kept wandering back to Virgil, and he didn't even mind.

When the movie ended Patton declared that he was going to bed, and a few minutes later Roman did the same. Logan avoided to point out that Roman rarely went to bed before 12 am on a Friday evening, but he did share a knowing look with Virgil. Since there wasn't much of a point in staying there just the two of them they decided to go to bed too, which was a wise choice because Virgil seemed to be quite drowsy by now.

Logan wrapped an arm around Virgil's shoulders, following his to Virgil's room and knowing that Virgil would have no complaints at all if he wanted to stay there for the night. He let go of Virgil and sat down on his bed, watching as he closed the door to his room, then turning back around and catching Logan observing him.

"What?" Virgil questioned quietly, directing a small smile towards Logan, one that always seemed to be reserved only for him and that always made him feel as if there were tiny butterflies in his stomach.

"I love you. I love you so much more than you can ever possibly understand." He said, because it was the only thing his mind could come up with that even closely could describe how much he felt for the anxious side. Words weren't really enough to describe it, but it would have to be, because he didn't know how else to.

It was the first time either of them had actually said those three words, and there were a few seconds of silence when Virgil just looked at him, before he walked right up to Logan, gently cupping his face in his hands. They were just inches apart, and Logan looked right into Virgil's eyes, finding them to be slightly more watery than they had been a moment earlier.

"I love you too." Virgil whispered, then closing the small distance between them and kissing Logan in a way that he didn't think he would ever be able to forget.


Written: 17th August 2018
Published: 13th October 2018
Words: 1128

I needed to write more fluffy stuff cause it keeps me sane and makes me happier, it's how I deal with life putting me down

A fic I wrote on google docs didn't get fucking saved and I can't retrieve it I want to dive out a fucking window, I even liked that fic

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