[167] - This Guy

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Warnings: neh 

writers block is a  b i t c h  but whatever

Parental analogical cuz I need it


Virgil pressed the off button on the tv remote, then putting it down with a sigh. There wasn't anything interesting on and his son surely didn't care since he was already occupied, had been ever since Virgil got home from work an hour ago.

His son, Patton, was sat on the couch with his phone, tapping away. He was wearing his beloved cat hoodie that Logan had given him years ago. Patton wore it constantly, almost as much as Virgil himself wore his favorite hoodie.

Patton grinned, ducking his head to hide it before beginning to type a response. If Virgil was not mistaken his son was flustered too.

"Hey, Pat, who are you texting with?" He asked, too curious not to ask. Patton looked up with the expression of someone who had forgotten he was not alone in the room and, yeah, he was definitely blushing.

"Oh, um. Just this guy in some of my classes. We have theatre together too." Patton said, avoiding looking right at him. Virgil raised a brow at his son. Patton was very friendly, he had easily made a lot of friends in his classes, but the way he was acting right now made Virgil feel like this person was not just one of his friends.

"Just this guy?" He asked, very interested in hearing all about this guy that had his son smiling so much, but not wanting to be that annoying and intrusive parent who made his kid feel like they weren't entitled to privacy. Luckily for him Patton had never been very shy to share what he was thinking or feeling.

"His name is Roman. He's really cool and funny and we started talking a while ago because of a project we had to do together for history class, and he's really nice." Patton rambled, smile widening. Whoever this kid was Virgil was glad to see that he was making his son seem so happy.

"Do you have a crush on this guy?" Virgil dared ask, not sure what answer he hoped for. On one hand, he was excited that Patton might have his first crush, but on the other hand… oh god what if some douche broke his son's heart, he would have to deck that kid.

"No," Patton said with a scoff, then looking down at his phone again, not saying anything for a few seconds before continuing, "...maybe."

Then Patton was quiet for a while again and Virgil got the feeling that his son wanted to say something and he shouldn't say anything until Patton did.

"How do you know if you like someone?" Patton asked, voice having gone a little more quiet and Virgil figured that it was something Patton had been thinking about. Oh no, Virgil had to think of something wise to say real quick. He was never really prepared for these moments where he should be explaining or teaching his son something. Logan was usually the best choice, but maybe not when it came to this topic.

Damn, why did being a parent mean he had to have answers?

"Oh, well… it depends I suppose. I knew I liked your dad when spending time with him was what I looked forward to the most, even if it was just sitting together doing homework. And it always made me so flustered when he would smile at me, the first time he held my hand I almost started to laugh just because I was so nervous. Glad I'm not that awkward any longer. Also I even found everything he said interesting and you know everything he rambles about really isn't interesting." Virgil said with a grin.

"Hey! I will have you know I am very interesting, at all times." Came Logan's voice from the other room and both Virgil and Patton laughed at that.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now