[113] - Ice Cold

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human au

Husbands in the morning

Yos floff


Logan woke up to the sound of quiet steps across the floor, then the feeling of the mattress dipping as the person in the room must've sat down on the bed. Logan kept his eyes closed, not paying much attention to that other person and instead thoroughly enjoying the thought of falling back asleep. However the person next to him seemed to disagree as Logan a moment later felt a soft pair of lips pressed against his cheek.

"Wake-y, wake-y." Virgil murmured close to his ear, then pressing another kiss to Logan's skin, his neck this time. Logan had an actual response in mind, but all that came out when he parted his lips was a low mumble that he himself heard didn't make any sense at all. Clearly his brain hadn't connected to his mouth yet.

Virgil let out a giggle. Logan opened his eyes the slightest bit to look at Virgil, not seeing too clearly since he was without glasses, but being able to see that he was already dressed. He wondered how long he'd been up already. He closed his eyes again, reaching his arms up and around Virgil, pulling him closer until he too was lying down.

"Lo, babe, no. You're supposed to leave bed, not drag me down to nap with you." Virgil said and Logan knew he was grinning without having to look at him. Logan didn't respond, instead he nuzzled his face into Virgil and tried to fall asleep again.

"Well, you asked for it." Virgil said, and Logan's half awake brain didn't quite realize the mischievous tone in Virgil's voice, and neither did he really apprehend that Virgil was moving until he felt something ice cold against his stomach.

Logan let out an embarrassingly high-pitched noise and fell out of bed in his hurry to push himself away from Virgil. His legs got tangled in the covers and he dragged those with him down on the floor.

Logan pushed himself up with his elbows and glared at Virgil who was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe. Logan tried to stay mad, he really did his best to keep the frown on his face, but it was impossible. Curse Virgil's laugh for being one of the things that always made him smile. He pulled the covers closer, rolled over onto his stomach and buried his face in them, adamant not to let Virgil see that he was smiling too.

It wasn't actually funny to be woken up like that and he didn't want Virgil to think it was a good idea to attempt this again. Logan had to admit that this was one of the less pleasant ways of being forced out of bed. Virgil apparently thought he'd been hilarious and he kept laughing loudly, letting out wheezing sounds that almost made it sound like he was crying.

"You should've-" Virgil said, his sentence being interrupted by more loud laughter, "-seen your face!"

Logan groaned into the covers, determined not to look at Virgil. His laughter was muffled now and Logan supposed Virgil must be trying to calm down. Logan couldn't resist it and lifted his head, looking at Virgil. His face was red from laughing so hard and his eyes shone in a way that made Logan feel a flutter in his chest. He shook his head and bit his lip to keep his dumbass smile away from his face. Virgil crawled over the bed and jumped down to the floor, kneeling next to Logan.

"Come on, up you get, Lo." He said, a hand on his lower back.

"I think you're incredibly rude. What was that even?" Logan said in mostly faked annoyance. Virgil shrugged.

"I washed my hands and the water was really cold. Was too lazy to change it to warm water, so now my hands are freezing. But your stomach was very warm." Virgil said, a bit too cheerfully if you asked Logan. He sighed, still feeling the cold against his skin as if it had left a mark.

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