[69] - Blush

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Well, y'all kept asking for smut so here you go. (bet y'all are regretting that after reading this)

...I am so so so asexual, I realize every time I write smut... I don't even want to proofread this

Summary: Logan tells the others that he's never blushed even once, and that he probably never will, Virgil of course wants to prove him wrong. It doesn't quite work out as planned, but he's got no complaints

Wow it sounds so cringey :)

Warnings: smut, grinding, hickeys, fingering, anal sex, all that stuff (ew), major cringe that i can't even survive, honestly don't even read this it isn't worth it

So guys, this is literally just smut, if it makes you uncomfortable, then please do skip this chapter. I wouldn't want you to read this if it is out of your comfort zone, I care more for your comfort than for reads

Also Logan is a bottom, you can't change my mind

I really dislike this fic ewww, y'all better appreciate my ace ass trying to do this for you guys i gave up proofreading this halfway through because I hate it


"I do not blush."

Virgil turned his face towards Logan as he heard him speak, so did the other two traits. Virgil blinked as he realized what Logan had said.

"That's impossible. Not even if someone does something really embarrassing? What if you do something embarrassing?" Virgil said. He could remember countless times he'd blushed. He felt as if he was flustered more often than not. Virgil has been blushing just a few minutes ago when they started discussing this topic, which lead to them speaking of embarrassing events.

"You guys, I've actually never seen Logan blush." Patton exclaimed, looking slightly bewildered at this realization.

"I told you so. I don't blush." Logan stated.

"But never?" Roman asked, clearly thinking that Logan must just be forgetting about the times he'd blushed, or just that he simply were lying. "You must've. Maybe you just haven't noticed when your face has gone red."

"I just rarely feel embarrassed, if ever, and I do not become flustered. Haven't happened yet, maybe it never will." Logan said with a small shrug.

"Is that a challenge?" Virgil asks, a teasing smirk playing on his lips. Virgil can tell Logan hesitates for a moment, but then...

"Go ahead. Do your worst." He said, as if he thought that this would have no consequences. Virgil grinned, a grin promising Logan that he should've thought about it for a bit longer before agreeing.

"You'll regret this as I prove you wrong." He said, taunting tone, Logan just rolled his eyes.

"As you wish, Virgil. Now if you'd all excuse me I am going to resume my reading. I have purchased a fascinating book about the human brain." Logan said, and with that he had left the three of them. He did not seem to worry at all over Virgil's promise to make him blush.

"If this is an excuse for you to kiss him, then good luck." Roman said, shaking his head and looking amused at the exchange of words he had just witnessed. What Roman had said had definitely given Virgil something to think about.

"I hadn't actually thought of that, thanks for the idea, Princey." Virgil said, winking at both Patton and Roman before he too left the kitchen. He could practically hear Patton and Roman give each other questioning glances.

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