[129] - Ice Cream And Embarrassment (Part One)

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Warnings: embarrassment, second hand embarrassment if you're like me

Summary: single parent Virgil takes his two boys to the park to get ice cream and they play at the playground while Virgil spots a handsome stranger. Roman then decides to take matters into his own hands

Small kids have no filter, I love it, they'll say anything


Virgil watched the playground, hearing the wind in the trees, the noise from the cars in the city, and the shrieks and laughter from playing children. His eyes were keeping careful track on his two sons, Patton and Roman.

They were five years old, and twins, and it was always frightening to let them run around. They were so very energized, and he was scared they'd get hurt when playing on the playground.

Now and then he found himself looking away from the children though, eyes instead focusing on a man that looked to be his age. He was sitting on a bench in the shadow of a tree, a bit away from the playground, seemingly engrossed in a book.

Virgil had seen him around before. He seemed to sit and read in the park occasionally, and maybe Virgil found him gorgeous.

He was tall, taller than Virgil, he always wore a black button up (at least he had every time Virgil had seen him) and had black rimmed glasses. His hair was neatly combed and he wore a tie, making him look stern and a bit professional and maybe he was a bit different from the guys Virgil usually found attractive, but Virgil couldn't help noticing him every time they were at the park simultaneously.

Then Patton ran up to him and he shifted his focus again as he was handed two ice cream sticks, supposedly Patton's own and Roman's since Virgil had bought them an ice cream each (hopefully theirs and not some strangers that Patton had picked up from the ground). Virgil threw then into the trash can next to the bench, smiling at his son, reaching a hand out and ruffling his hair, making Patton giggle before pushing his hand away.

"What were you looking at?" Patton asked, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. Virgil repressed a sigh, he'd brought paper towels for a reason, and he hated doing the laundry. Virgil had to do a lot of laundry with two five year olds.

"It's nothing, Pat. Now why don't you continue to play with Roman, eh?" Virgil tried, putting a hand on Patton's back and attempting to nudge him back towards the playground. 

"Are you staring at that boy?" He heard Roman gasp from behind him and he tensed. Oh no. He turned around to shush Roman, but the five year old was already running towards the man Virgil had been looking towards. Oh no.

"Roman, come back here." Virgil whisper-yelled, picking Patton up in his arms and carrying him while going after Roman, not daring leaving either of them out of his sight. Who knew what could happen? No matter how annoying they might be sometimes when throwing tantrums or embarrassing him, Virgil would never be all right again if anything happened to either of them.

"Hi, my dad was staring at you, I think he thinks you're cute." He heard Roman say, and perhaps it actually were true that Virgil found the stranger very handsome, but he slightly despised his son's idea that he should try and set Virgil up with people at any opportunity he got. Mostly because Virgil was way too awkward to deal with situations like this.

"Oh, really?" The stranger said, and raised his gaze, eyes landing on Virgil who was standing fairly close now. Virgil wouldn't have been surprised if his hair would've caught fire from how hot his face were.

The stranger raised a brow as if asking if what Roman was saying was true, and Virgil only averted his eyes, if possible flustering a darker shade of red. All words seemed to have abandoned him.

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