[51] - No Sleep - (Part One)

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I'm hOME ALONE ALL WEEK YEAH. I am only going to eat spaghetti, ice cream, popcorn, and some experimental food I might make. I've seen a whole season of Friends today. I am living


Virgil sleepily walked towards the kitchen, he had spent hours on Tumblr and had not really been aware of time passing. Then suddenly it was really late (or early, depending how you looked at it). He was going to sleep, but first he had to drink a glass of water or he suspected he might thirst to death.

He stopped in the doorway to the living room, frowning at what he saw. Out of everything he might have expected to see this early in the morning, Logan was not one of them. Why in the world was he still awake?

"Logan?" Virgil said questioningly, very surprised to find the logical side awake at three in the morning. He was writing frantically in a black notebook with one hand and fumbling with his phone in the other one. Virgil carefully walked up to him, trying not to startle him, because he wasn't sure he had heard him.

"Huh?" Logan looked up, his eyes searching through the room for a second before he spotted Virgil. He suspected Logan had not thought anyone would bother him at this time. He looked extremely tired, he didn't have his normal straight posture, his hair was messy and his eyes a bit red, possibly from lack of sleep.

"Yes, Virgil?"

"Why are you not in bed? Usually I'm the only one who ever stays up until 3 am." He sat down on the couch next to Logan, trying to look at what he was writing, but Logan moved the notebook out of his sight.

"I'm so tired that I cannot sleep," Logan answered, continuing to scribble down things in his notebook and looking through Spotify after good songs at the same time, "if you understand what I mean."

"I... yes I do, but I thought I was the one who never got enough sleep. Logan, when was the last time you got enough of sleep? You look half dead." Virgil said, a feeling of worry growing in his gut. Logan always scolded the others when they didn't get enough sleep, he seemed to be the last person to not follow his own advice.

"The last time I got enough with sleep?" Logan repeated absentmindedly, still scribbling on the paper. Then his brain seemed to fathom that it was a question and he stared at the pencil he was holding in his hand for a few seconds before opening his mouth again.

"Last week maybe... what day is it?" He said, then mumbling something while counting on his fingers. Logan not even knowing what day it was was not making Virgil feel any less worried.

"Friday, is it Friday?" Logan said, looking slightly proud over himself, so Virgil avoided to mention that it was Tuesday. Logan's eyes narrowed at him.

"You seem anxious Virgil, what is the problem?" Logan leaned in slightly, observed Virgil closely and apparently not understanding that what Virgil was anxious about was Logan himself. It was stupid of Logan to feel worried about Virgil at the moment, he should take care of himself before trying to care for Virgil.

"Logan, you need to go to bed." Virgil said, reaching out his hands out to take the notebook from him. Logan hugged it protectively to his chest and leaned out of reach for Virgil.

"No, no, I am not done with the schedule for next, next weeks filming." He muttered then making a sound of appreciation and poking at his phone, which started to play High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco.

"I was not aware that there was a new album?" He exclaimed, an excited smile appearing on his face. Virgil just sighed. He too really liked the new songs, he had already listened through the new album several times, but this was not the right moment to appreciate new music.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now