[13] - Didn't Expect That

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Lol I just like the concept of Logan being completely clueless about his crush on Virgil (as y'all probably have already noticed) well, enjoy.


Virgil had noticed that Logan was behaving weirdly lately, he never looked Virgil directly in the eye and he seemed... annoyed. Patton and Roman had noticed it too, they had asked him if he knew the reason for Logan's change in behaviour. Virgil of course didn't have an answer for them, and he was also dumbfounded why they thought he'd know. Did they think it was his fault?

Right now they were in the middle of helping Thomas with a video. As usual he had some dilemma and the others tried to help him while Virgil didn't know how to be of any help. Though today Logan didn't seem to help much either, which left Patton and Roman trying to solve it.

Needless to say the progress was slow since Logan apparently had other things to think about, he looked very distant, and Virgil didn't want to be the one to tell them to stop being silly. Roman was singing and Patton was telling Thomas jokes. Every time any one of them would ask Logan something they'd get a short answer. Not like usually when Logan explained things for several minutes. No, now he seemed bothered by something.

"Hey is something bothering you?" Thomas asked Logan. Apparently he had noticed Logan's unusual mood too. Virgil is slightly relieved that Thomas asked before he did, he didn't want to be the one to ask Logan something he might not want to talk about.

"Huh? Oh, no I'm just having a hard time focusing. My mind keeps getting distracted. It is extremely annoying and I don't like it. I don't understand why it's happening." Logan exclaimed, sounding frustrated. He turned to look at Virgil.

"Are you doing something? I can't think straight. I think it's connected to you." He continued, clearly ignoring Patton's giggling at that statement.

"Wha-...?" Virgil looked anxiously at him, then he realised Logan probably thought he looked more guilty if he looked scared, so he forced a small smile. "What do you mean?"

He truly didn't know what Logan had meant though, this is one thing he wasn't used to being accused of, except maybe by Thomas when he's trying to do something but Virgil can't not feel anxious. Logan stared at him for a second and seemed to realise that Virgil did in fact not know what he meant.

"I'll be back." He just said before leaving the room while everyone stared after him.

"I'll go after him." Virgil said and left too.

"What just happened?" Thomas said, sounding very confused as to why two of the sides would suddenly leave.

"I'm not sure..." Patton replied, then laughing. "I'm pretty sure it will end with them either fighting or kissing though."


Virgil found Logan standing silently in a room staring at the empty air. He looked like he was very focused on something invisible. Virgil hesitates a second before saying something, he doesn't want to startle him. But then he decides to say something before Logan discovers he's here, he'd probably find Virgil creepy if he saw him just stand there and stare.

"Hey." Virgil says, or maybe more like asks. Logan flinches, so he clearly didn't expect to be followed by anyone. And especially not by Virgil.

"Oh sorry, I didn't expect you to follow me." He admitted, saying exactly what Virgil had just thought.

Virgil reached out an arm and Logan took a step back. Virgil wasn't sure if it was intentional or not, but Logan looked like he was almost surprised at his body's reaction.

Suddenly Virgil smiled. Smiled in a way that showed that he'd just had an idea. He looked up again, right into Logan's eyes, and he felt like he was unable to look away. He felt a weird tingling feeling in his chest, Virgil seemed like he wasn't going to look away anytime soon and that made Logan feel weird.

Virgil then stepped closer to Logan and watched as he stepped backwards a few feet until his back was pressed against the gray wall, keeping the distance between them. This seemed to amuse Virgil a bit because he moved himself closer to Logan yet again. Logan felt strange, and it was exactly the kind of strange that made his brain slow down.

Virgil smirked, leaned in even closer to Logan, and while Logan's heart skipped a beat he pressed his lips to Logan's.

If Logan had ever tried to explain how it felt to have Virgil's lips on his, he'd probably have to liken it to a sunrise. He felt like his whole being was a rising sun, shining over the whole world. Terminating all the darkness and every shadow. And he couldn't think. And then it was over, Virgil broke the kiss and tried to smirk at him sarcastically but emotions broke through it and the smile was genuine, and a bit nervous.

Logan's brain turned on again and reminded him to breathe. He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but closed it as he realised that there wasn't a word for what he wanted to have said. He wasn't even sure what he wanted to say. Logan crossed his arms over his chest, uncrossed them and fiddled with the hem of his shirt. What could he possibly say that would convey what he felt into words?

"Do... do that again." He then said and Virgil raised his eyebrows and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"What?" Virgil replied even though Logan was sure he had heard him perfectly well. The room they where standing in was silent except for their voices, and if you listened carefully, their breathing.

"Do that again." Logan said slowly.

"What, like this?" Virgil said teasingly as he leans in really close to him again, his eyes flickering down at his lips for only a millisecond. Logan can feel his hot breath against his face, Virgil's face is that close to his. Since Virgil is obviously trying to tease him Logan decides to close the distance between them himself, which he does.

And Virgil would describe it like the wind. Suddenly it's just there, strong and unstoppable. He knows he can't control his emotions, but based off the feeling he gets when kissing Logan, Virgil isn't sure he really wants to.


"Oh my god, Patton, you were right. They're kissing." Roman says with a gasp and Thomas looks surprised.

"I did not see that coming."


Written: 16th & 17th January 2018
Published: 9th February 2018
Words: 1180

I love fanfiction, anything can happen! Even if it's not realistic or a canon fact! Or even if it's completely unreasonable. And you can alter small facts to make things work. Like in fics I can choose to ignore the fact that they can't actually spend too much time in each others rooms but this is fanfiction so who cares😏

Shdhsjf this is bad but who cares ahahah

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