[7] - 3 Am Cookies

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Who doesn't want some fluffy baking at 3 am gone wrong fanfics


"Ah fuck." Logan muttered. He had just spilled flour on the table. He was utterly terrible at baking and he could no longer see the logic in trying to bake cookies at 3 am. It seemed like a better idea when he was having trouble sleeping and just wanted to do something to pass the time.

Unfortunately his boyfriend, Virgil had finished the puzzles in his Alice In Wonderland Puzzle Book so now he was trying to bake cookies that he could eat with said boyfriend. It just wasn't as easy as he had hoped it'd be.

He had so far only brought out all the ingredients and cutlery he might need and he'd just attempted to pour flour into the bowl, which was the second step. The first one being cracking 2 eggs into the bowl. He had only had to remove four pieces of eggshell so he saw that as a success.

It surely was good for someone who's not used to cooking, he hoped. It was usually Patton who did the cooking, and sometimes Roman. Virgil had never cooked lunch or dinner to them all but from one of the dates Logan has had with Virgil he knows that he actually has a talent for cooking. He just never cooks.

He thinks it has something to do with Roman making fun of him when he expresses a passion for something. That is something that Roman stopped doing long ago but Logan guesses that the anxiety is still left.

He looks at the instructions in the cookbook he managed to find in the library. These instructions could be clearer, Logan wasn't sure what a stick of butter was but after skimming through the whole page twice he found a measurement in gram instead, which was easier to understand.

The paper had markings that showed a mark every 50 gram so it didn't take Logan very long to chop off 150 gram of butter and then put it into the bowl. After spilling a great amount of sugar on the table and floor he had finally the right amount of that in the bowl too. Now he needed to find some sort of ladle to mix the cookie batter with.

He was busy trying to find something that looked similar to a big spoon or a whisk and almost didn't see Virgil enter the kitchen, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"What are you doing?" He asked, stifling a yawn. He was wearing his pj's, which consisted of a pair of loose black pants and a washed out dark purple coloured t-shirt. He stretched and his shirt went up a bit, exposing some of his skin and Logan's heart fluttered while looking at him. He pretended to be annoyed by his emotions, but quite frankly, he really liked the way Virgil made him feel. Even if it was inconvenient at times.

"I'm baking cookies, obviously." Logic said with a small smile. "Can't you tell?" He joked, gesturing at the mess he had made so far.

"I didn't know you could bake?" Virgil leaned against the fridge, looking at what Logan was doing.

"I can't." Logan groaned as he tried to mash the butter to make it easier to blend it into cookie batter. He had finally found a wooden ladle that seemed to be useful enough.

"Me neither. Want a hand?" Virgil said, and smirked when he took Logan's out stretched hand and kissed it.

"Stop that..." Logan blushed, and Virgil shook his head.

"No, you're cute when you blush. And I like being the cause of it." Logan didn't seem to know how to reply to that so he just mumbled something that Virgil couldn't quite make out. With Virgil's help it didn't take too long to mix it all together, and Virgil also remembered to add an ingredient that Logan had, somehow, missed entirely.

And after that they put the batter on a baking tray and then in the oven. Luckily Virgil had preheated it so they didn't have to wait until the oven got warm. Logan started loading the dishwasher while Virgil was licking the bowl that they had had the cookie batter in and Logan laughed when Virgil got some on his nose.

Logan walked up to his boyfriend and wiped away the batter from Virgil's nose with a piece of paper, before kissing him right on the lips.

"You taste like cookies." Logan murmured quietly before kissing him again. Virgil just hummed shortly as a response since he couldn't just answer with words at the moment. Not that he was complaining, not at all.

Ten minutes later they were startled back into reality by a timer which showed that the cookies now had been in the oven for the time they should. They both sighed as they realised that while the cookies cooled down they had to clean the kitchen. And saying that the kitchen wasn't a mess would be a lie.


Written: 8th January 2018
Published: 19th January 2018
Words: 882

Yikes it's 3:43 am, I really should sleep.

I don't know if my fanfiction writing is better at night or if my standards just lowers at night. Provably the last one lmao.

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