[25] - That'd Be Stupid - (Part One)

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Y'ALL?!??!?!!?!? 6K?? Thank all of you for reading and voting and commenting,you have no idea how much it means to me💕 I love you guys so much and your support is invaluable

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Y'ALL?!??!?!!?!? 6K?? Thank all of you for reading and voting and commenting,you have no idea how much it means to me💕 I love you guys so much and your support is invaluable


"Hey Roman, I need your help!" Virgil said, barging in on Roman while he was eating a bowl of cereal on the couch. His sudden appearance made Roman jump slightly but luckily he managed not to spill any of the bowls content. That was good, Patton hated it when the couch got dirty.

"I'll be happy to assist you as long as you don't scare the living daylights out of me, you Emo Nightmare." Roman said, putting the bowl down gently on the table and fixing his hair. Virgil just simply rolled his eyes at the nickname and remained standing in front if the other trait.

"It's about Logan."

"What about the Nerd?" He ignored the stupid nickname Roman had given Logan and suppressed a groan. He was starting to have second thoughts about talking to Roman about this and he hadn't even started. He would surely find some way to tease him about this.

"He makes me feel weird around him, what is he doing?"

"Weird how?"

"My heart beats faster, I become more nervous than usual and my face heats up, it's tedious and I want to make it stop. It happens when I am close to him or when I think of him." He crosses his arms, awaiting the Royal traits response. Roman just leans closer to his bowl, lifts a spoonful of cereal to his mouth and chews it thoughtfully. Virgil is sure that he is eating it extra slowly just to annoy him,

"Dude, you totally have romantic feelings for him." Roman says when he swallows down the mouthful of strawberry milk and cereal.

"What?" He laughed. "No I don't, that'd be stupid." Because it was, it was simply ridiculous. Of course he didn't have romantic feelings for Logan. He doesn't have those kinds of feelings, and neither does Logan. Roman just gave him a look and continued to eat his cereal.

They heard the sound of quiet steps and saw Logan walk down the stairs, dressed in his pajamas and holding a book in front of him. How he could read and walk down the stairs at the same time without tripping and dying mystified them both, but they said nothing and just watched as he made his way through the living room, into the kitchen, opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of Yoggi.

They also watched as he almost walked right into a wall when he made his way back through the kitchen and living room and then up the stairs again, still without looking up from his book. It took all strength Virgil had to not laugh. Virgil doesn't even think that Logan is aware of the fact that he and Roman were in the living room as he walked through. He stared at the place above the stairs where Logan had disappeared, probably to his room.

Virgil still had that weird happy, excited feeling in his chest from seeing Logan and he turned back to Roman and gave him a terrified look. It was something he'd rather not believe in, but the feelings did align with Roman's suggestion. It made sense and Virgil knew that it was the truth. He had ...feelings. For Logan of all people.

"Oh fuck." Virgil breathed, sitting down slowly on the couch. "Oh fuck."

"Mhm, told you."

"This is a fucking disaster." He crossed his arms tighter over his chest and leaned back against the soft sofa cushions.

"What are you talking about, this is great. Romance is easy." Roman said with a grin and a hopeful tone, obviously much more excited over this than Virgil was.

"No Roman, romance is easy for you." Virgil said with a tone of annoyance in his voice and a frown on his face. "I am anxiety, did you forget? This is just going to bring me a lot more anxiety and I'll probably do something awkward in front of him and he'll hate me and I'll die. Oh, denial was a bliss."

"Woah, Virgil, dude, you're overreacting. It'll be fine, just ask him out. Or because it's Logan, ask him bluntly how he feels so that he doesn't misunderstand what you're asking him." Roman suggested with a shrug.

"Yeah, maybe I will..." Virgil said, standing up and leaving the room. He highly doubted that he would ever gather up the courage to actually act on his feelings. So many things could go wrong and just thinking about it made a feeling of nervousness settle in his gut.

But whilst on his way to his room he walked by Logan who this time looked up from behind the word filled pages of the book he was reading, just to smile at Virgil.

And Virgil was left feeling like maybe it wasn't completely hopeless.


Written: 24th & 26th March 2018
Published: 17th April 2018
Words: 878

I'm not sure if Yoggi is only a Swedish thing????? Anyways it's a branding of drinkable yoghurt (is it only a Swedish thing???) and tbh it's delicious and one of the few things I can manage to eat for breakfast.

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