[116] - Dinner

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Warnings: nervousness/anxiety, mention of nausea/feeling like he's going to throw up, mention of feeling like he's going to pass out, stress, virgil isn't having a calm day, mentions of homophobia, It's fine tho

Summary: Virgil and Logan are making dinner for Virgil's parents, and sure, their evening would be lovely if it weren't for the fact that his parents neither knew of his sexuality nor of the fact that he is engaged to be married


"No, Logan, please, hun, that's not correct. We're doing it wrong!" Virgil said with a shaky voice which made Logan look up at him.

"The mix of spices should have been added already, in the recipe it says that-" Virgil turned around, grabbing the cookbook and not caring that he was accidentally folding a bit of the page, "here, for best results, add your mixed together spices at the same time as the bell pepper."

"This will not ruin the entire stew, we've already added loads of spices, how important could these be? It's fine." Logan said, now adding the spice mix that Virgil had been talking about. Logan's words did not make Virgil feel better in the least. In fact, he was unsure if he had ever been feeling more stressed, and that said a lot considering his stress levels through the entirety of high school and college.

Virgil avoided telling Logan that no it isn't, it is not fine, and instead he turned towards the cutting board in front of him where he's got two handfuls of cherry tomatoes, ready to be sliced into fourths of a whole.

He sent quick glances Logan's way now and then, unwillingly annoyed at Logan's much calmer pace, trying to tell himself that there was no point in trying to rush him, it would only lead to accidents.

"The cucumber should be cut into smaller pieces." Virgil said as he did his best to cut the tomatoes and not his fingers into even pieces.

"Do you want my help or not? I promise the size of the diced cucumber will not make or break this dinner. How tonight goes relies on other things, things out of our hands." Logan said, and while not exactly making Virgil calmer it was true. No matter how perfect their cooking was it would make no difference in his parents reaction to his sexuality and their relationship.

He put his knife down, letting out a sniffle and blinking the blurry away from his eyes. This situation was completely and utterly out of his control. Of course he could cancel the dinner, call his parents and tell them he wasn't feeling good. But he'd told them it wasn't a good time, that he was sick, that they were busy, so many excuses so many times, he shouldn't avoid this much longer or his parents would start to worry, or ask questions.

"Stop stressing, love, the situation will not get any better if you have an anxiety attack." Logan said with a sigh, putting the his knife down with a worried frown at Virgil, disregarding his now more neatly sliced cucumber squares.

"I can't not stress. You know that." Virgil said, trying to not sound like he was hyperventilating, which he might be. Not that he can trick Logan into not realizing how anxious he is, they're years past Logan not seeing right through him when it comes to these things.

Logan held a hand out for Virgil to take, which he did, only to be pulled into a hug.

"It will be fine. From everything you've told me about your parents I've gathered that they're great people who've always looked out for you. Do not forget that they love you." He said slowly, as if trying to make sure that Virgil heard every word he was saying. Virgil bit back a sigh and instead wrapped his arms around Logan's middle.

"No offence, Logan, but that is not very comforting coming from someone who's parents still say they won't be coming to our wedding." Virgil said without succeeding well at all on keeping his panic out of his voice.

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