[45] - The Physical Contact Arrangement

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Reminder that pointing out spelling mistakes is allowed, and appreciated, because sometimes I miss them while editing

This is literally just cuddles????

Could be better, but it's 3:00 am, wattpad deleted my proofread version and I am tired and sad now so screw editing it, I didn't edit much anyway cuz I was already tired at 1 am when I started this

Warnings: uh, swearing?


Neither Virgil nor Logan was very good at asking for affection, or showing affection either for that matter. It just wasn't something that they were equipped to do. But when Logan for some reason fell asleep next to Virgil on the couch he didn't move away from him. Even despite knowing that there was a possibility that Logan might end up leaning against him.

Or maybe that was the reason why he didn't move. Who can say. Whatever the reason was doesn't matter. What does matter is the fact that Virgil is having a hard time concentrating on his sudoku because he is nervous about how close to him Logan appeared to be. If it was Logan who had shifted in his sleep or Virgil who had unintentionally moved closer he did not know.

The reason to why this distracted his bored mind so much was not because Virgil did not want any physical contact, more of the other way around. Virgil, being the embodiment of anxiety, didn't really get enough physical contact. And of course the chance of him going up to one of the other sides and asking for a hug or to cuddle was less than zero percent. It would be far too embarrassing.

Patton certainly had noting against showing affection, but he had started to be more calm about it towards Virgil and Logan since he started dating Roman, now they spent loads of time doing romantic and affectionate crap. At first he had been relieved when he noticed he wasn't bombarded by a Patton who was in need of hugs every ten minutes, but now he kind off missed it.

Of course he had never minded hugging Patton, but he was so unused to that kind of affection that it always made him nervous. But now he missed it despite the nervousness. He craved physical contact with someone, his weighted blanket wasn't doing much.

He had come to terms with the fact that he was feeling touch starved. That was a concept he had stumbled upon while reading wikipedia articles at 5 am. Virgil did admit that he always felt an almost itching need for something, he just hadn't realized that the thing he needed was some affection, platonic or romantic would do. But, as previously stated by him, there was no chance he would ask anyone for a hug.

But since Logan had fallen asleep he got more at ease, enough to sit in a more relaxed way. And by that he meant that he was brave enough to stay where he was. Even when Logan, as he had predicted from the way he was sitting slightly leaning towards him, shifted in his sleep and his head ended up falling against his shoulder.

Logan did not wake up and Virgil did not move. Especially since Logan had looked so tired today, he suspected that he had been up working all night. The others did their best to keep him from overworking himself, but it was hard since Logan does not see the problem with working all night.

You'd think someone as clever as Logan would understand the consequences to overworking, but clearly he did not. At least Patton had started checking in on him when he went to bed to make sure that Logan at least got told to go to bed. Not that it was often that he cared what they told him, but it was worth a try.

Admittedly, Virgil himself did not have the best sleeping schedule either. He just could not help staying up late on youtube or tumblr or lying awake and thinking about the things that made him anxious. So maybe it was not very surprising that Virgil too drifted off into a peaceful sleep a short while after. It was not what he had planned, but his body clearly did not care, it wanted to rest.

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