[117] - Colors

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Warnings: none

Soulmate au - you touch your soulmate and see color


When Logan found his seat on the train, put his baggage away and sat down with his book, music playing in his earbuds, he expected to be bored. Perhaps not immediately but he was bound to become restless after a while, he was going to sit in the same seat for five hours.

Actually, Logan now realized, he was definitely going to be bored since he would easily finish his book in five hours. Why he hadn't brought another one was beyond him. He always ended up forgetting something important. Well, Logan supposed it was better to have forgotten something for entertainment than something like his keys or his wallet.

However, the last thing Logan had expected was to meet his so-called soulmate.

More and more people boarded the train, though thankfully there were only two other people who sat close to Logan, which meant he had the seat next to him empty. He preferred it like that, that meant he didn't have to balance his stuff in his lap the whole way.

Logan put his stuff down, wanting to have his hands free. He looked out the window, only seeing the train station and stressed people hurrying past while talking on the phone and dragging suitcases. A movement close to Logan grabbed his attention.

A really tired looking man that was probably around Logan's own age suddenly stood practically in front of Logan. He was putting his baggage away, then squinting down at his ticket, most likely checking his seat number. He looked up, eyes fixing on the seat next to Logan.

"Apologies." Logan said, quickly moving his book and his phone into his lap instead. The man mumbled a quiet thanks and then sat down, immediately plugging his headphones into his phone.

Logan doubted that his seat neighbour was very chatty, but just in case he opened his book and began to read, appearing as unsociable and busy as he could. Luckily Logan’s assumption of the stranger had been right because all he did was turn up his music loud enough for Logan to hear and lean back with closed eyes.

Logan kept reading for at least half an hour, getting very into the book and forgetting all of his surroundings. At least until something leant against his shoulder. Or rather, someone, Logan realized as he was forcibly pulled back into reality, almost confused where he was for a second.

Logan shifted slightly, the strangers head moving slightly and his forehead brushing against Logan's arm just where his t-shirt collar didn't cover.

In an instant it was as if all the gray melted away from his vision, being replaced by many, many colors and shades that Logan had never before seen.

His breath caught in his throat and he stared at everything around him, a kind of excitement rushing through him. Said excitement was because of how captivating all these new colors were, not as much at the thought of a soulmate.

Soulmate. Logan had almost forgotten for a second the reason why he could suddenly see colors where there previously had been none visible to him, and he flustered at the thought that the stranger leaning against him in his sleep was most likely his soulmate.

Logan found it unnecessary to wake him up to inform him of this though, maybe he needed the sleep, and Logan was quite captivated by all of the colors outside of the trains window anyway. He carefully picked his phone up, typing in the password and then being surprised by the intensity of his background. It had the same color as the sun, only what must be a darker shade of the color. So, Logan thought to himself, that's what yellow looks like.

At least he'd heard all his life that the sun was yellow, grass was green, the sea was blue.

He looked out the window again, staring up at the sky. Then he turned back to his phone and made a quick search on the color blue. That was the name of the color of the sky, as far as Logan knew, though he doubted everyone around him who could see colors had lied to him since he was a kid.

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