[83] - Shaking

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(30th november) Excuse if this was bad, I have 38.4 fever and I can't stop shaking

(1st december) Slept for 14 hours and now I only have 38 degrees fever👌 also everything hurts (only woke up because my dad yelled at my brother lol)


Virgil trembled, his whole body shaking. He gripped harder to the blanket he had around his shoulder. Everything was so cold, colder than it should be. He kept making his way through the mindscape, feeling as if exhaust was gripping him into the bone, clinging to him and making his whole body heavy.

After searching for a little while, that was probably only a few minutes (but it felt more like forever) he found who he was looking for, his boyfriend. Logan was solving a crosswords, sitting on the couch in the living room. He looks content, and Virgil is sorry to bother him, but he needs Logan. He needs him close, now.

So, Virgil walked up to the couch, plopping down next to his boyfriend, and cuddled up to him, as close to Logan as he could get. Maybe it was a bad idea, as Logan would surely feel how hard he was shaking, but Virgil needed the heat that Logan provided, the warmth that he seemed unable to find in himself.

"Sweetie, is everything alright?" Logan wondered, and Virgil let an arm outside of his blanket to hug around Logan's middle.

"I'm f- fine, just co- cold." Virgil said lowly, his teeth clattering and he pulled the blanket closer around himself. It was clear to see that Logan did not believe him for a second, and his eyes gleamed of worry as his gaze met Virgil's.

"Virgil?" Logan said, giving him a stern look, then placing his hand on Virgil's forehead. Logan's hand was cold. It felt like cold was the last thing he needed right now, but Virgil leaned into the touch, making a small noise of comfort, and Logan kept his hand there, understanding that it helped a little.

"You've most likely got a fever, dear." Logan continued, and that fact did not surprise Virgil, after all that'd explain a lot. The only reason why it surprised him was the fact that he rarely had a fever, he couldn't remember the last time it happened.

"What are the symptoms?" Logan asked softly, and Virgil hummed as to indicate that he was indeed going to answer, as soon as his brain and mouth cooperated to speak and his slow thoughts had managed to form a sentence.

"My throat, it's sore. And it's like all of my muscles hurt when I move." He mumbled, eyes opening enough for him to look at Logan. All he really felt like doing was hiding under twelve blankets, since that might actually warm him up enough to stop shaking. Logan stood up, ignoring as Virgil whined, then he took Virgil's hand and helped him up.

"You need rest, love." Logan murmured, pressing a quick kiss to Virgil's cheek. He led him to Virgil's room, and Virgil immediately sat down on his bed. A nap seemed nice, but he wanted Logan to stay with him.

"Oh no." Virgil said, holding his hand up to keep Logan from asking. Virgil coughed, and his eyes teared from the pain. There was nothing worse than having a sore throat. Drinking, eating, coughing, anything involving the throat hurt, he hated it.

"I'll be right back, you should lie down." He said, and the next second Logan had already left. Virgil blinked tiredly and then put his blanket over his duvet before crawling into bed and almost lying completely beneath the covers. Logan came back only a moment later (a moment that had felt far longer) and he held a glass containing what Virgil supposed was a orange flavored drink, and in his other hand he was holding a glass of water.

"You need to drink a lot, it'll help you feel better." Logan said, and Virgil took a glass despite not wanting to drink, because he was too tired to argue about it. He took a few painful sips and then put the glass on the nightstand, lying back down.

"I want cuddles." Virgil said, hoping that he didn't sound too needy or whiney, but Logan did not seem to mind. He sat down on the bed, and when Virgil held up his covers he laid down and cuddled up to him. Virgil pressed his face to Logan's chest and sighed in content as he was finally beginning to warm up, with the help of the covers and Logan. He was still shaking, but slightly less.

"Get some rest now, love." Logan said, kissing the top of his head and hugging him close, and it did not take Virgil many more delirious minutes until he was fast asleep.


Written: 30th November & 1st & 3rd December 2018
Published: 2nd January 2019
Words: 872

hi why the fuck don't y'all have a word for saft???? You know, when you blend a concentrated fruity tasting thing with water???? Sugary drink for kids??

I know america has a thing called kool aid, but it's not that. In britain it's called squash, but only people from britain would know that

Also happy new year and good luck to you all when trying to write the right date

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