[87] - Borrow

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Uhhhh hi :)

sweden is cold

Warnings: mild worrying at one point, mentioned previously being stressed out/overwhelmed


There was no way for Logan to deny the fact that he was starting to feel a bit... well, stressed. Simply slightly overwhelmed. This was why he had saved his work and turned his computer off. Logan had read much about stress and knew that the logical thing to do would be to take a break from what he was working on.

Now, he just seemed to have a hard time relaxing. He had tried reading but it seemed that he had too many thoughts swimming in his head for him to focus on the words on the page. He kept having to read the same sentence over and over again.

Logan was feeling a bit restless, and he did not want to sit still, because it just resulted in him thinking too much about the work that he knew he would eventually have to continue. But as of now he had to take a moment to relax, otherwise he would, as he had so many times before, end up too overwhelmed.

What was the one thing that could always distract him, even when he was busy working? That would be Virgil. (This was something the both of them were aware of, and Virgil certainly used it to his advantage when he wanted attention or thought Logan had worked enough.) Logan had not seen Virgil since breakfast this morning though. If Logan had to guess he would say it was likely that Virgil was in his room.

So of course that is where Logan went, taking the quicker way of just sinking out of his room and into Virgil's instead of walking. But as Logan's eyes got used to the half dark after having sat in his own well lit room for a few hours he could conclude that his guess had been wrong, Virgil was not in his room, as far as Logan could tell.

Logan sighed at the empty room.

He had just wanted something comforting, like a hug from Virgil. Not that he wanted to admit how comforting Virgil's hugs really were. Of course, since Virgil is not there the chance of that happening is minimised drastically. He considered looking further for Virgil, but he did not want to have to look through the entire mindscape to find his boyfriend. Well, he should not be staying inside Virgil's room for too long anyway. He doubted Virgil would have a problem with it, but it might be seen as a violation of privacy.

Logan is just about to leave when he spotted something thrown over the chair standing by Virgil's closet, and he instantly recognized the black material as Virgil's previous hoodie. He haltered in the middle of a step.

Logan hesitates for a moment, thinking over the thought that had formed in his mind as he laid his eyes on the old hoodie. Could he?

He takes a few steps closer, moving slower than normal and stopping by the chair, hand reaching out and grabbing the sleeve in a loose grip. It seemed comfortable, warm, and Logan was indeed somewhat cold after sitting still for so long.

Logan could think of no actual downsides, so he pulled the hoodie off of the back of the chair and put it on. It was big and the sleeves fell down over his hands, but, it was certainly comfortable. Logan thought he could understand Virgil's desire to constantly be hiding in an oversized hoodie. He pushed the sleeves up a bit, at least enough for him to be able to use his hands.

He pulled the hood up, then pushing the hoodie up a bit, burrowing his face in the soft material. Despite the hoodie not having been worn very often during the last year (only when Virgil's purple patched one were the in the wash) it still smelled like Virgil, which was weirdly comforting. Logan was quite thankful for the fact that he was alone at the moment because he presumed this would look quite weird for anyone else walking into the room. He let go of the hoodie, the sleeves once again falling down over his hands as he let his hands fall down to his sides.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now