[165] - Implied

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Short and soft because thats the good stuff

Also kdjsjsjdjsd I'm so sorry it's been 15 days since I last published😓😓


Virgil sighed softly at the view outside of the window, watching as the first rays of sunlight touched the world. He loved being awake at this time of the night. Seeing the sun rise in the early morning was an experience much more special than watching the sunset.

He could hear the sound of his roommate in their kitchen, by the sound of it most likely eating crofters jam straight out of the jar. Soft footsteps told him he was soon to join him in the living room, but Virgil did not turn around even when Logan came up right beside where he was sitting right on top of a small table by the window.

Neither of them should be awake, nor did they have a reason to be awake at this time, it had just sort of happened. They had had dinner together on the couch since they were both home at that time for once, and while eating (and a few hours afterwards) they had been watching a show, episode after episode and not caring that the time ticked by.

At some point Netflix had paused itself to ask if they were still there and watching, but they hadn’t been particularly focused on the show anymore, instead having ended up in an in depth conversation that Virgil couldn't even remember what it had been about. They had been talking (and also kissing) for hours, because neither of them could help themselves.

All in all, it had been the sort of evening that left Virgil feeling at peace and calm, as if nothing could ruin his mood, not even the thought of work or school.

Virgil felt Logan's hand on his shoulder, a comforting touch and Virgil allowed himself to faintly smile out at the world as it glowed in the early morning sunlight, Logan's presence creating butterflies in his stomach.

He and Logan had been roommates for about a year, been on dates too, quite a lot actually, ever since Logan had asked him out for the first time a few months ago. Dates with Logan were… a lot better than any other dates Virgil had been on. Logan was calm, the two of them already knew each other since a year back which led them to be comfortable around each other, and it was easy and interesting to talk to Logan. Not to mention that he was attractive too.

"The sunrise is beautiful." Logan said, voice low as if he was scared to break the peaceful silence that had settled since Logan had left the room to carry their plates and cutlery into the kitchen.

"It is.?

He and Logan had never actually said 'I love you', their relationship was more of an implied thing, never really decided what exactly it was, but neither of them had made any attempt to have that conversation yet. Virgil was happy with what he had with Logan already, and Logan seemed to feel the same way. Their feelings were implied.

Logan set a jar of crofters with a spoon in it down on the table, his hand on Virgil's shoulder moving into his hair instead, and Virgil leaned into the touch. Logan had found out how much Virgil enjoyed having his hair played with and he definitely used it to his advantage (not that Virgil minded). 

Virgil yawned, hiding it behind his hands. The both of them might be free the whole day that was now beginning, but perhaps they should not be pulling an all-nighter anyway. Logan wouldn't actually allow it, that Virgil was sure of. His roommate might not be the most functioning and responsible person of all times, which was shown now as they had stayed up almost the whole night, but he was better at self care and such than Virgil was.

"We should be going to bed." Logan said, just as he had thought he would, not attempting to persuade Virgil in any way, maybe because he knew he didn't need to. Just knowing that Logan meant they should go to bed in the same bed was persuasive enough. Virgil had found he enjoyed having someone next to him, he slept better then.

Logan's hand disappeared from his hair and he gestured towards the hall where the door to their kitchen and both their rooms were. Since a few weeks back it more and more frequently happened that one of their rooms stood empty all night.

Virgil slid down from the table and onto the floor, turning towards Logan. The sun had risen high enough to shine in through the window and right at Logan, making him squint at the bright light.

Vigril leaned in and kissed him for what probably was the two hundredth time this night, but why wouldn't he? The opportunity had to be taken. When parting Logan gave him a look of what could only be described as fondness and adoration, and Virgil had never before been so close to let an 'I love you' slip, the words were on the tip of his tongue.

But he just smiled and told Logan to put the jar of crofters back in the fridge, and while Logan did that he went to brush his teeth and change into a t-shirt and shorts to sleep in.

Their feelings for each other didn't need to be spoken out loud, not just yet. For now they would stay implied.


Written: 7th January 2020
Published: 15th March 2020
Words: 985

Ha my mental health is trash lately and it's impacting my ability to write and my energy to proofread, literally kill me

Tho good news, have a bit of a cold so thanks to the corona panic I now get to stay home a few days heheheh

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