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Human au

Warnings: accidental insult, self deprecation, swearing, brief mention of virgil having a therapist 


Virgil wasn't exactly sure why he was nervous bringing his boyfriend of two months over to his apartment. But he was. Which he felt was kind of stupid, because he had been over at Logan's apartment several times, and Logan had never seemed nervous about having him over.

But yesterday Virgil had called Logan (yes, called, even though he hated calling people he liked hearing Logan's voice) and he had asked if he would like to come over. Not necessarily for a date, but just so they could hang out, order some takeout and just watch a movie. Or play something on Virgil's xbox. 

Just because they were adults didn't mean they couldn't have fun.

But here they were, having entered Virgil's apartment a good ten minutes ago, and everything was going smoothly. Really, there was no need to feel worried. 

One of the first things Logan had said was that he liked Virgil's apartment. He'd said something along the lines of Virgil's apartment being cozy and home-y. Virgil definitely took that as a good thing, because if Logan liked the apartment then that meant he was not opposed to spending more time there, and that was definitely good.

Virgil really did like spending time with Logan, and maybe having dated two months wasn't much, but Virgil couldn't help having hope for their relationship. Things with Logan were just easy.

And now he was sitting on the couch, watching as Logan was inspecting his bookshelf, pointing out books he had read, letting his hand run along the backs of the books. Logan absolutely loved books. And perhaps it was because Virgil was an author that that fact about Logan endeared him so much.

"I've read this book, I enjoyed it. Have you read it yet?" Logan said and pulled a book out from the shelf, holding it out so Virgil could see what book it was he was talking about. Virgil nodded.

"Yeah, I've read it and I think it was really good. Made me think." Virgil said, hoping that didn't make it sound as if he was dumb.

"Exactly. I love a book that makes you question your morals." Logan said appreciatively and giving him a smile.

Virgil wasn't entirely sure why Logan was looking through his bookshelf, but he was being cute, and Virgil liked listening to him talking, so he was going to let Logan continue pointing out all the books he liked. Plus, Logan having his focus on something else meant Virgil could look at him without being caught.

"Harry Potter, of course. These books looks like they've been read too. Good to know I'm dating a sane person." Logan said, and even if he was still turned away from Virgil he swore he could hear on his voice that he was smiling.

"Of course. If someone does not own every book of Harry Potter then you cannot trust their taste in books." Virgil said, actually managing to make Logan laugh. That might be one of his favorite things nowadays, making Logan laugh. God, Virgil thought Logan's smile was the most beautiful thing.

Logan let his fingers run along another row of books, searching for titles he recognized. Virgil leaned his head in his hand, watching Logan, glad he wasn't turning around, because he was probably looking exactly like people were described to look when seeing their crush. Metaphorical heart-eyes and all.

"Oh, I've wanted to read this book for years but I've never gotten around to it." He said, and Virgil couldn't see what book it was, but that didn't really matter.

"You can borrow it if you want." Virgil said, and Logan turned around to smile brightly at him.

"Really? That's very sweet of you, Virgil, thank you." He said, then turning back around and leaving Virgil to try and calm the butterflies in his stomach down. It was not easy, and he feared this was a battle he might not win. Not if Logan continued smiling at him like that.

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