Losing You (Eomer x fem!reader)

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Eomer was at his wit's end. He felt like he was slowly going mad. The man just couldn't sleep and he hated it. After the war against Sauron's armies. Eomer's mind simply wouldn't rest. Nightmares plagued him every night. Always the same ones and they always ended the same way.

In his dream, Eomer was standing next to the one person he loved more than his sister. You. He was standing with you, smiling at the sight of your giggling face when you slowly began to fade away. No warning, nothing. Your form just began to fade into thin air, as if you were never there.

Or there was the one where Eomer was standing as far away from you as possible while trying to run to you. No matter how hard he ran, he couldn't catch you. You were always just out of reach. Then, there was the one where Eomer was forced to watch you marry another. It didn't matter which of the nightmares it was, it always ended with him losing you, just like tonight.

Eomer woke, drenched in a cold sweat when you had once again been lost to him in his dreams. Cursing himself, Eomer climbed out of bed and splashed some water from his basin on his face. This couldn't continue. He had responsibilities he couldn't even tend to because he couldn't sleep. And it wasn't merely his responsibility as a Rider of Rohan anymore. No, he'd been crowned King of Rohan after his uncle's death and Eowyn's engagement. He couldn't keep losing sleep like this. So, he did the only thing he could think of.

As quietly as he could, Eomer slipped on a robe and opened a door no one else in the place knew about. He was suddenly grateful for the fact that he and Eowyn had found several secret passages in the stronghold when they were children. This allowed Eomer to leave his chambers without having an entire force of the guard with him. They didn't need to know what he was doing.

Eomer followed the winding path until he came to the spot he knew would open up to the rooms across from yours. This wing of the palace wasn't as heavily guarded, much to his dismay most of the time. (He wanted you protected). But for tonight, it didn't bother him as much. He just needed to hurry. He had to make certain you were alright.

After slipping into the corridor, Eomer glanced around to find that it was time for the changing of the guard. Perfect. He carefully eased your door open and sneaked inside, quietly closing the door behind him. His eyes adjusted to the darkness and he found your form curled up in your bed. A soft smile made its way to him lips. He drew closer to your bed and climbed in next to you. He wouldn't normally, but you never minded.

You stirred a bit and your (e/c) eyes opened. You grumbled out his name, but smiled all the same. "Forgive me. I didn't mean to disturb you. I just-" he cut himself off. He sounded ridiculous. Like a child. You didn't reply. You only wrapped your arms around him. "Nightmares again?" He nodded. You drew yourself closer, allowing him to bury his face in your shoulder.

"Will you tell me what they are about?" No matter how often Eomer snuck into your chambers, which was quite frequently, he'd yet to tell what it was that plagued him so. You always asked, but never pushed when he didn't answer. He knew he owed you the truth.

"I keep losing you. To everything. Death. Fading. To another man. It doesn't matter the dream. It always ends the same. With you far away from me. Other than Eowyn, I've never been this frightened to lose anyone. I can't protect you from everything. And what if you grow angry with me for not making you my bride soon?" You let him hold you tightly as you chuckled slightly. Lack of sleep was making him ramble and it was adorable.

"Eomer, you don't need to protect me. Nothing short of death will take me from you, I promise you that. I love you more than words can say. I am not upset that we aren't married. It is a strange time. You are just coming into your way as king, Eowyn is getting married soon, and your people need you. I can and will wait for you. I know, when you feel the time is right, you will ask. And I will be here to say 'yes'."

Eomer whispered a small "thank you" before growing quiet again. After a moment, you began to softly tell him a story you'd always loved while one of your hands ran up and down his back. His arms loosened around you and you bit back a chuckle. His breathing evened out, letting you know that he was finally falling back asleep. You kissed his forehead. "Goodnight, my love," you whispered to him and continued on with your story, knowing your voice would soothe him until you fell back to sleep yourself. 

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