Stranger in Middle Earth (Thorin Oakenshield x modern fem!reader)

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(Everybody lives AU)

You stared at Thorin in disbelief. "You want me to stay behind? No!" Thorin's aqua eyes were watering. "Please, Y/N. I need you to stay here, in the safety of the mountain." You shook your head vehemently. "No. I want to fight with you!" Thorin's hand came up to cup your cheek. "Amrâlimê, I would love that, but I cannot risk losing you. Please, stay here."

"Promise me that you'll come back," you whispered touching your forehead to his. "I promise I will try." He pulled back and turned to leave the mountain. "Thorin!" He glanced back at you. "Kiss me." He smiled and came back. "Of course." His lips descended on yours and he kissed you like it could be the last time he'd get to do so.

When the kiss was over, you were both breathless. "I love you, Y/N." You hugged him and whispered that you loved him too. He left the mountain with his kin. "Be safe," you said to no one in particular, your voice echoing through the empty halls of Erebor. You sat down on the throne and did the only thing you could do. Wait. While you waited, you thought back on how you ended up here. It was certainly not what you expected to happen when you woke up all those months ago.


You felt the heat from the fire and your eyes snapped open. You instantly wished you hadn't. The three creatures in front of you were some of the freakiest things you'd ever seen. "I must be dreaming," you muttered to yourself. But it didn't feel like a dream. You tried to move, but the sack you were in stopped you. Panic set in. Where were you and how did you get there? The only thing you knew was that you certainly weren't at home and you wanted to be safe in your bed.

It didn't take long for you to be set free from your makes shift prison. Your (e/c) eyes met the blue ones of the dwarf that had cut you loose. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" His voice was sharp and full of distrust and even a little disdain. From that minute, you knew that you and Thorin Oakenshield were not going to get along. However, seeing as you had no idea where you were and could easily get lost, you made the decision to travel with the Company.


The journey with the Company earned you fourteen new friends and one disgruntled dwarf king. Now, you were in a cell in Mirkwood. With Thorin. You sat with your head against the walls and sighed heavily. "Will you stop that infernal noise?" he snapped at you, receiving a sharp glare in response. "No. I will make as much 'infernal noise' as I want. It is YOUR fault we're stuck in here. Why? Because you can't swallow your pride and make a deal to get us out of here! From where I sit, you're as pompous as he is and you deserve to listen to any and every annoying sound I choose to make!"

"You are infuriating! How could I ever have let myself develop feelings for such a -" he stopped short, realizing what he'd just said. You felt yourself blushing. Instead of responding, you fished your phone from your pocket and began tossing it up in the air and catching it. The battery had died long before then and by this point, you were certain you were never getting home.

Thorin came and plopped down next to you. He rested his elbows on his knees and put his head in his hands. Feeling sorry for him, you stopped what you were doing and rested a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Thorin. I didn't mean to snap. I'm just...exhausted and stressed, just like everyone else." He picked his head up and reached a hand up to grab yours. "I understand. I know I have not shown my feelings properly and for that, I ask your forgiveness. I did not expect anything to get in the way of my mission and then you came along and I found myself distracted."

"Sounds irritating," you joked, earning a soft chuckle. Thorin brought your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles. "It is, although perhaps, I don't mind a little bit of irritating distraction." You giggled and met his gaze. Now, when you looked at him, you could see the emotion in his eyes that you couldn't place earlier. You thought it was hatred or annoyance because no one had ever looked at you that way before. But no, it was love and admiration.

*end flashbacks*

You smiled at the memories. Even throughout his spell of gold sickness, you had seen the love when Thorin looked at you. True, it had been buried deep, but it was still there. When he'd snapped out of it, he came to you first. He had fallen to his knees and apologized over and over. You had simply kissed him and assured him that you still loved him. Then, he'd told you that he and the others were going to fight and that he wanted you to remain in the mountain.

You could hear the ruckus of the battle outside and you wanted nothing more than to pick up a sword and fight like Dwalin had taught you. Still, you knew it would distract Thorin if you were to appear on the battlefield, so you stayed put even though it nearly killed you.

After hours upon hours of battle sounds, the world outside grew quiet. You could almost hear the tunnels of Erebor talking to you. They say no news is good news, but in all honesty, you didn't believe it at that moment. You wanted to hear about the outcome of the battle. Was Thorin alive? What about the others? Was Azog victorious or would dwarves, men and elves be celebrating soon?

Just as you were beginning to believe the wait would kill you, you heard footsteps. Your heart sped up so much, you thought it would beat right out of your chest. You reached for the dagger Thorin had given you and prepared to defend yourself if necessary. You breathed a sigh of relief when you realized it was Thorin limping toward you.

You dropped the dagger and ran to him. "Thorin!" You threw your arms around him and he squeezed you close. "Y/N, my love. You're safe." You were crying into his shoulder. "Me? You were the one fighting. What about the others? Are they alright?" Thorin pulled back and used his thumb to wipe away the tears from the apples of your cheeks. "They are fine, Amrâlimê. We have won." You laughed through your tears and kissed him. You didn't care that he was covered in blood, dirt and grime. He was alive and that was all that mattered. He was alive.  

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