I am Not a Possession! (Legolas x fem!elf reader)

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(a/n: This is my first time writing Legolas, and it was specified that he be possessive/jealous, so please be kind.)

Legolas normally wasn't one to let his emotions cloud his judgment. Except when it came to you. The young elf prince had fallen for you more than a century before, not that he said anything of course. Now, seeing you standing there with one of his father's guards, Legolas felt it was a mistake not telling you. He felt the anger and jealousy rising in his chest. He watched as you pressed your hand to mouth to stifle a giggle. Legolas was not one to eavesdrop, but he could clearly hear the guard flirting with you.

In one second, Legolas was standing between you and the guard. "My Prince," the guard quickly bowed in respect. "Do you not have somewhere to be?" Legolas growled out through clenched teeth. Legolas felt you shift behind him, but did not turn around until the guard left. When he did look at you, Legolas saw your arms crossed over your chest. "Why did you do that, My Prince?" you asked. Legolas could hear the irritation in your voice.

"He was clearly attempting to woo you, Y/N! He wishes to court you!" he cried. You nodded once. "I am aware of that, Mellon. Who are you to stop him from doing so? Do you think me incapable of refusing?" Legolas groaned and took a step closer to you. You swore you could see flames in his cerulean eyes. "You belong to me, Y/N." You narrowed your eyes at him. "I am NOT a possession," you declared in a tone that would make most people cower. Then again, Legolas was not most people. He took another step closer, practically pinning you to the wall behind you.

"You are mine," he said lowly before crashing his lips to yours. Elves normally did not show affection physically, but Legolas was going to prove his point if it killed him. Your hands tangled in his long, blonde locks as he continued kissing you fervently until you had to part for air. You opened your eyes to see your typically composed prince in a state of passionate frenzy. His hair was disheveled, his pupils blown and his lips were swollen and bruised from the kiss.

You barely had time to catch your breath before his lips were on yours again. There was nothing you could do except kiss back, and you really didn't care. You never expected the prince to return your feelings in the first place. His hands traveled to your hips to pull you closer, if that was even possible . You never wanted the kiss to end. Unfortunately, you heard someone clearing their throat. You did your best to jump away from Legolas and turned to find King Thranduil gazing at you both, an amused smirk plastered on his face.

"Ada!" Legolas was trying to stutter out an explanation, but Thranduil held up his hand. "The corridors are not the best place for these types of...interactions," was all the king said before turning and leaving the two of you alone again. You cleared your throat, causing Legolas to look back at you. "I apologize," he began, but you cut him off with a quick peck on the lips. "There is no need to apologize, Melamin. However, if you ever treat me as an object again, I will use that bow to fire an arrow somewhere you don't want it." Legolas laughed softly and pulled you close again. "Of course, Y/N. Amin mela lle." You hugged him. "And I you, Legolas."

*Mellon = friend

*Melamin = my love

* Amin mela lle = I love you

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