A Gala (Thorin x fem!reader x Smaug) Mob AU

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(This is Part 2 of my Mob AU called "A Job"! You should definitely read that first!)

You stared down at the file in front of you. Thorin sat across from you, behind his desk, as always. "Samuel Maug," you read aloud. Thorin hummed. "Yes, although most people call him Smaug." You sipped your drink and perused a bit more. "And what exactly is my role in this, Mister Oakenshield?"

"The very role you've been training for, Y/N. Catch his interest and listen. Find out everything you can about his empire and plans. We will take it from there." You glanced at the picture in the file. At least he wasn't disgusting looking. Dark curls covered his head and fell into cold, blue eyes that actually looked rather reptilian in a cool way. "Just how do you suggest I go about getting his attention? I'm sure he has plenty of women throwing themselves at his feet, much like you." Thorin arched a brow, as he usually did when you got sassy.

You'd been in Thorin's employment for nearly a year, but it was spent learning the tricks of the trade. You had been taught everything you needed to know about the legit parts of Thorin's businesses, self-defense, strategy, and seduction. That last one had made you a flustered and blushing mess up until a few before, which was why your training had taken so long. Now Thorin obviously felt like you were ready.

"There is a charity gala tonight. Smaug always goes if only to appear magnanimous. You will be there as well. As my plus one. Smaug always wants what doesn't belong to him and he despises me. He will go after you for certain." You made a slight noise. "If it were that easy, surely you'd have done this by now." Thorin's hard, icy gaze met yours. "I've never had a plus one to the gala, Y/N. And even I had, Smaug is only concerned with the most precious and beautiful of treasures. No one before has fit the bill."

Before you could react to his compliment, he waved you away. "You'll find an appropriate dress in your room, along with everything else you'll need for tonight." You stood up from your chair and walked to the door. "And Y/N?" You glanced back at him in question. "Prove to me I didn't make a mistake in keeping you alive." You frowned and opened your mouth to argue. "Good luck." You knew you had been dismissed, so you marched away. No use getting into it with Thorin right then.

When you entered your room, you found the dress Thorin indicated. It was gold, as were the shoes. The jewelry Thorin picked you recognized as real rubies. Gold and rubies. Either Smaug really did like his treasures or Thorin was trying to show off. Either way, you were petrified were going to ruin something. Glancing at your clock, you realized you only had a couple hours to get ready, so you raced into your bathroom to shower.

When you emerged from the shower, you nearly screamed. "DIS!" The lady in question turned to you with a smile. Despite being Thorin's sister, Dis had been a huge comfort to you since you began working for Thorin. "I'm here to help. And talk to you about your mark." You sighed and sat down, knowing Dis was about to work her magic on both your hair and your outlook of the situation. She good at that.

While she worked, Dis talked. "Now, despite what Thorin may think, you can't be a simpering flower with Smaug. He likes a woman with a little bit of fire. You've got to show him that you aren't always a damsel in distress. And if Thorin gets too possessive, put him in his place. Quietly, but loudly enough for Smaug to hear. The dress and jewelry will attract his attention, but it's you that has to keep it long enough to get the information out of him that we need, okay?"

You nodded. "Of course. Just one question...why would Thorin get possessive?" Dis gave a smirk like she knew something you didn't. "Oh, no reason. Anyway," she continued, getting back to work, "I've arranged it for one of the men to sort of flirt with you a bit. Just pretend you're in trouble for a bit. When you see Smaug, light that fire I was telling you about. But do be careful. Smaug is a snake if I ever saw one. He is a dragon of the worst kind. I would hate to lose my dearest friend already. There. All done."

You glanced in the mirror, not even realizing that she'd finished your hair in record time. You had to admit it looked amazing. "Hurry now. Thorin expects you downstairs in forty-five minutes. Some business or other to conduct before the gala." She placed a quick kiss to your cheek before she darted from the room.

Forty-five minutes later, you made your way to the front door where Thorin was waiting. Your heart was pounding against your ribcage and the pounding only sped up when Thorin looked at you with wide eyes. If you hadn't known better, you'd say there was something brewing behind his gaze. Something pleasant.

"You look," Thorin began before clearing his throat. "You looked great. Certainly pretty enough to attract Smaug's attention." You fought back a huff. It was a backhanded compliment, but whatever. Hopefully you wouldn't have to pretend for long.

*short time skip to the gala*

Clearly Thorin's choice of attire had done the trick. Not twenty minutes after you arrived on Thorin's arm, did your mark come slithering toward you. "Oakenshield," Smaug hissed, his eyes traveling over your face and body. Thorin tightened the hand that rested on your hip. "What an extraordinary treasure you have on your arm this evening." He turned to you with a snake-like grin. "You look ravishing, my dear. Samuel Maug, at your service." He kissed the back of your hand and you had to fight off a shudder.

"Y/F/N. It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Maug. Thorin has told me about you. It's nice to put a face to a name." Thorin gave your hip another squeeze before placing a kiss to your temple. "If you'll excuse us, Samuel, I believe my partner and I would like to share a dance." You could feel Smaug's eyes on you as Thorin led you away. In fact, you could feel them on you all evening, but it wasn't until Thorin left you at your table to tend to some "business" that you actually spoke to the man again.

Kili, Thorin's nephew came and sat down next to you. "Forgive me for this," he whispered before touching your thigh under the table. You jumped a bit before realizing that this was Dis' plan. "Please remove your hand, Kili. Thorin may be your uncle, but you know what he does to people who take what is his." Kili shrugged. "A night with you would be worth the loss of my hands."

You shoved his hand away. "I said no, Kili. Now leave before I take your hands myself." Kili looked properly frightened as he scurried away. "And here I was, about to come and rescue the fair damsel," a voice hissed. You glanced up to see Smaug standing over you. You smiled. "I assure you it wasn't necessary, but thank you."

"Now why would Oakenshield leave such a priceless, precious jewel such as yourself, unguarded?" You scoffed a bit. "I'm no treasure, Mr. Maug." Smaug tsked. "Oh but you are." You looked away as he sat down next to you. You felt him grab your chin and he gently moved your face so you were looking at him again. "It is such a shame Oakenshield is blind to the beauty in front of him. Always looking for more. He forgets to appreciate what he already has. And you, my dear Y/N, are the most beautiful treasure I have seen in many years."

His eyes met yours and you felt yourself begin to melt under his words. You had to be careful. Dis was right. He was a snake and his charm made him that much more dangerous. Still playing your part, you gently used one of your hands to take his from your face. "Thank you, Mr. Maug, but this conversation is hardly appropriate." You rose to leave when he caught your wrist. "It's Samuel for you, my dear. If you change your mind, as I know you will, here's my card." You stared at him for another moment before going off in search of Thorin.

You found him easily enough. "Well?" You flashed Smaug's business card. "Hook, line, and sinker, Boss." Thorin beamed at you. "I knew you had potential. I'm very glad I didn't kill you. Now, wait a few days and let him stew. Then we send you in." You nodded and let out a breath of relief. The sooner you finished, the better because, if you saw too much of the dragon, you were likely going to fall victim his charms and that would be a far worse fate than death. 

(There will be a 3rd part! This part was getting too long and I decided to split it. Part 3 will be posted tomorrow so keep a look out!)

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