Late (Faramir x reader) Modern/Single Parent AU

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(This request came from a prompt submitted to dailyau on Tumblr)

You groaned loudly. Thanks to your boss, you were late...again. You had this arrangement with the sitter so your work wouldn't get in the way. Too bad your boss didn't seem to understand that. You counted yourself lucky that your children were old enough to understand why you were sometimes late picking them up from ballet. Your sitter dropped them off at ballet class and you picked them up after work. Easy enough. Except it wasn't. This was at least the fourth time you'd been late.

Slamming the door of your car shut, you ran as quickly as you could toward the ballet studio. You hoped your children wouldn't be to disappointed in you. As you entered the studio, you stopped short. There was a strange man sitting with your children. Well, he wasn't exactly a stranger. He was one of the other parents, but you'd never actually met the man except in passing. You kids didn't seem to be bothered by his presence, so you didn't immediately rush over. Instead, you took a moment to take in his appearance.

He had longer, reddish hair that was pulled back off his face slightly and revealed a very kind expression. "Mr. Faramir, would it be okay if Elboron came to spend the night with us this weekend?" The man, whose name was apparently Faramir, pondered for a moment. "I'm not sure...have you all done your homework? Been good for your parent?" You smiled at that and decided to make your presence known.

"They actually have." Your children called out to you before rushing over and wrapping their tiny arms around you. "I'm sorry I'm late. Again." You looked up at Faramir with a smile. "Thank you for sitting with them for so long. I'm sorry. I'm sure you have better things to do than sit around and wait with my children after ballet." Faramir returned your smile with a slight shrug. "I don't really. The benefit of not being the heir to the family business is that I have plenty of time to spend away from the office."

You stuck out your hand. "Y/N," you introduced. Faramir took your hand in his and told you his name. "I really appreciate you waiting with them." The smile never left his face. Your children began to complain about being hungry. You shook your head fondly before taking their hands in yours. "Alright. Say goodbye to Mr. Faramir and his son and we'll see them next time." Your children waved at Faramir and you all left the studio.

The three of you didn't make it far when you heard your name being called. Stopping, you turned around to see Faramir hurrying after you again with his son in tow. He stopped in front of you and opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed it again. His son tugged on his hand. "Please, Dad." Faramir blushed. "Uh, yes. Right. Y/N, the children were wondering if they could have a play date or slumber party of sorts this weekend. I thought it might not be a bad idea for them to spend some time together outside of the studio. And for me to get to know you better. If you're willing, that is."

He was rambling and, as much as you wanted to put him out of his misery, you couldn't. He was far too adorable. You were struggling to contain your laughter. Faramir was watching your face and noticed your amusement. "I'm making a fool of myself, aren't I?" You grinned. "Not at all. I find it very...cute. I wouldn't mind getting together sometime. Why don't you and your son come over this weekend and we'll have a pizza and game night?" Faramir's expression brightened. "Really? You want to spend time with me? Uh, us?" You laughed again before kissing his cheek. "Yes I do. See you in a few days, Faramir." You took your children to your car, missing Faramir dancing in the parking lot and Elboron looking more than a little embarrassed at his father's actions.    

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