Disappearance (Fararmir x fem!reader) Royal/Cinderella AU

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(here it is, the first of the Tolkien AUs on the new list!)

Faramir sighed heavily. He wasn't sure why he was even required to be here. This ball was for Boromir after all. Boromir was the Crowned Prince, next in line for the throne. It was his ball to find him a wife. Faramir had no business being there other than to keep up appearances. To say he felt completely out of place would have been an understatement. He wanted nothing more than to find and excuse to get out of there. That is, until he saw you.

He hadn't meant for you to catch his eye, really, but it was difficult not to notice the only person in the place not throwing themselves at Boromir. You were standing as far away from the revelry as you could get without seeming suspicious. You looked like Faramir felt. Out of place. He slowly approached you, like one would approach an animal that might run away.

"Is everything alright, my lady?" You jumped slightly before turning to him. "Oh! Prince Faramir!" you greeted with a curtsy. Faramir bowed and smiled. "Forgive me. I did not mean to startle you. I noticed you didn't seem to be enjoying yourself is all and, as a prince, I couldn't allow that." You laughed a little. "Your Highness, you don't seem to be enjoying yourself either. I am certain there are dozens of other young ladies here more worth your time."

"They are all here for Boromir. Yet I have not seen you approach him once." You shrugged. "I have no desire to be queen one day, Your Highness. I came simply for a change of pace. Now I'm not so certain it was the right choice." You turned your gaze away from him and back to the couples dancing away. Faramir followed your gaze. "Would you care to dance?" You looked back at him in surprise. "Me?" With a nod, Faramir held out a hand to you. You grinned as you took it and let him lead you into the dance.

Faramir had to admit that it had been a long time since he'd last danced, but you either didn't notice or didn't care. You were simply enjoying yourself. As you danced, you talked. The two of you got to know one another as best you could in such a short time. And when the dance was finished, Faramir escorted you outside so you could be alone for a few minutes. The two of you wandered the gardens and continued to talk.

"Did that truly happen?" you asked with a giggle. Faramir nodded and smiled. "I swear it. Boromir was quite the little troublemaker growing up." You laughed again, gently resting a hand on Faramir's arm. The clock struck midnight and your laughter abruptly stopped. You frowned. "I'm sorry. I have to go." Faramir stared at you for a moment. "But-"

"I've truly enjoyed myself, Your Highness, but I must go!" You turned to run off, but Faramir caught your arm. "Will you return tomorrow night?" You drew your lip between your teeth. "I'll try," you managed to whisper. Faramir let you go and you took off. He watched you leave with a heavy heart. He'd never connected with anyone like you before and he hoped to see you again the next night.

*short time skip*

Faramir didn't see you the second night of the ball, or the third, or the fourth. In fact, no one seemed to even know who your were. You had vanished into thin air as if you'd never existed in the first place. Was he going mad? Had he dreamt the whole thing? Faramir didn't know, but it broke his heart. Even Boromir had noticed his brother's withdrawal.

"Alright, dear brother, who is this mystery woman that has you so sullen?" Boromir asked the morning after the last night of the ball. "What makes you think there is any woman?" Boromir laughed. "Everyone saw you dancing with her the first night and then you snuck off yet she hasn't returned." Faramir let out a sigh. "You're right. I don't even know her name but I can't stop thinking about her. She understands me better than anyone. I thought that there might be something there."

"If you believe that you could love this woman, then you mustn't give up hope! I will help you find her!" Boromir declared. "You would do that?" Boromir chuckled. "You're my brother, Faramir. Your happiness is important. I will do whatever it takes to help you find her and I think I know just the man who can help us."

Meanwhile, you sat by the fire with a sigh. The mending in your lap lay forgotten as your mind once again drifted back to Prince Faramir. You didn't understand it. You'd only spent a little bit of time with him and yet, he was never far from your thoughts. Was it the beginnings of love? You didn't know and with your step father hovering over you now, it was likely that you would never find out.

Your family had discovered that you went against their wishes and had gone to the ball. Now, they had someone keeping watch over you all the time. You hadn't been able to sneak away again. Instead, you had to make yourself content with the knowledge that you would never see Prince Faramir again. You would never get the chance to know what could have been between you. Or so you thought.

"Y/N!" You turned to see the house cook waving you over frantically. "What?" You joined her at the window and had to stifle a gasp. "It's the princes. What are they doing here?" You tried to be nonchalant and shrugged. "Perhaps Prince Boromir has chosen one of my step-sisters as his bride." The cook looked at you with an expression that screamed, "yeah right." She put her hands on her hips and turned to face you fully.

"Or perhaps they've discovered who you are. If that's the case, you should get out there right this instant." She turned you around and pushed you toward the door. To your surprise, the kitchen door was locked tight. "Well I never! Locked in my own kitchen." Sighing, you sank down again in defeat. "No! No ma'am. None of that! Go out the back way." She helped get you to your feet.

"Why are you pushing this?" She sighed. "You've been moping around here for days, Y/N. And if you don't take control of your own life, you'll spend the rest of it moping and wondering. I can't let that happen. Your poor parents, God rest their souls, would never forgive me. Now you get out there and land yourself a prince, my lady." You couldn't help but smile. She was a regular fairy godmother. You hugged her. "Thank you." She smiled and thrust a bag into your hands. "I packed this for you, just in case. Now go before they can catch you."

You didn't waste a second. You took off through the back door and started running. You didn't make it far before you ran into something solid. "Oof." You froze when you realized that you had run into a person. Prince Boromir. "Oh, forgive me, Your Highness!" you cried with a curtsy. He smiled at you. "That's quite alright." He regarded you closely for a moment, along with the man next to him.

"Is this her, Strider?" The dark-haired man next to him nodded. "Could be. She matches the description." You were about to ask what they were talking about when another voice caught your attention. "I don't believe she's here." Boromir's smile widened as he turned to face his brother. Your heart was pounding in your ears. Faramir was walking toward you all, his head downcast. "Are you certain?"

Faramir looked up to respond and stopped short. You were staring at him with wide eyes. His face broke out into a grin. "It's you." In an instant, Faramir was in front of you, scooping you up in to his arms. You let out a small squeal of delight as your feet left the ground. "I didn't think I'd see you again!" You looked into his eyes and told him why you had not returned.

"Prince Faramir!" Your step sister snapped. Faramir put you down and gently pushed you behind him. "Y/N is just a servant girl. An embarrassment to us all." You narrowed your eyes before stepping around Faramir. "I'm embarrassing you?! You let your father treat me like a servant while my parents' home falls to ruin! You treat the staff worse than dogs, not even paying them what they are due, but still manage to clothe yourselves in the finest things. If anyone around here is an embarrassment, it is you."

Boromir choked back a laugh as you turned to the two princes and their friend. "Forgive my sharp tongue, Your Highnesses. It has been waiting to explode for many years." Faramir looked down at you with an expression of joy and adoration. "So that is your name. Y/N." You closed your eyes, enjoying the way your name sounded falling from his lips. "That is my name, Your Highness. I'm not a lady. Not a princess, a duchess, or even a countess. I'm just Y/N." Faramir's arms circled you, not caring about the audience you seemed to have.

"And I'm just Faramir. I don't care about titles or any of that. I only care about the fact that I found you. I know we haven't know each other long, Y/N, but I've never felt anything like this before. If you're willing, I'd like to let my heart lead me in this. I want to try something new with you." You smiled through the tears that were springing into your eyes. "I'd love to." As soon as the words were out of your mouth, Faramir's lips descended on yours.    

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