Scouting (Lindir x blind!fem reader)

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The sound of sniffling caught Lindir's attention. His brows scrunched together. He followed the sound to one of Imladris' many gardens where he found you, sitting on a stone bench and crying, your sword lying on the ground next to you. "Y/N?" You picked your head up in surprise. You'd been crying so much you hadn't heard him approach. "Lindir."

Lindir was completely taken back by the sight of you in tears. You were usually so confident despite the fact that you weren't like other elves. Not only were you one of the few female guards, but you were also blind. Being robbed of your sight allowed you to hear even better than other elves which made you an asset to the guard.

"What troubles you, Mellon?" You sniffled again, unsure of how to explain it in a way that he could possibly understand. "Please, Y/N." You felt his hand on your shoulder and you sighed. "I am merely feeling sorry for myself. Wishing I could see again. I miss the sight of the sky." Lindir's grip on your shoulder tightened slightly before he dropped his hand. "Again?"

You nodded. "I have not always been blind, Mellon. There was a fire. It took my sight from me." Lindir's arm wrapped around your shoulder and he pulled you to him. "I would give you your sight back if it were in my power." You wrapped an arm around him. "I know you would." Lindir tried to keep his contented sigh inside as you held onto each other. He'd always wanted to be close to you, but never really had the confidence to do so until now.

"I wish I could see you," you whispered, causing Lindir to pull away slightly. "Why?" You smiled sadly. "I want to see your face. I have a picture in my head of what you look like, but I do not know if I am even close." Lindir laughed softly. "I am certain the portrait in your head is much better than reality." You snorted out a laugh. "I doubt it. I am afraid I must go. I have to scout in the morning. I need to be well rested. Thank you, Lindir." You grabbed your sword from the ground and stood. "Until tomorrow, Mellon."

The next afternoon, Lindir was in his private study when one of the guards ran in, frantic. "Lindir!" Lindir's brown eyes widened in surprise. "What?" The guard took a moment to stand straight. "It's Y/N!" Lindir dropped his pen and stood so quickly, his ink well fell over. "Where is she?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. "I do not know. She just disappeared." Lindir practically jumped over his desk. "Why are you standing here? Go find her!"

Lindir pushed past the guard, but was stopped by Lord Elrond. "Lindir. You cannot go out there."Elrond's voice was soft, but full of authority. "But-" Elrond held up a hand to stop him. "You do not know what's out there. You are not trained to fight the dangers that lie outside of our borders. It will not do to lose both you and Y/N." Lindir stopped fighting against him, knowing it would do no good. He could only hope you'd return to him.

You did return to Imladris. Two days later. You were covered in blood and dirt, cuts and bruises, but you were alive. "Y/N!" Lindir cried the moment he saw you. He raced over and caught you just before you hit the ground. "Lindir," you whispered before you lost consciousness.

*time skip*

Lindir stayed by your side in the infirmary. He refused to leave until you woke up. He had to make sure you were going to be alright. His own discomfort and fatigue didn't matter right then. The only thing that matter was that he found out what happened to you.

"Who's there?" you asked when you finally woke up. Your voice scared Lindir who had been staring off into space. "It's Lindir, Y/N." You smiled softly. "Are you alright? Please tell me you're alright, Y/N." It surprised you to hear the fear in his voice. "I am fine, Lindir. I'm home." Lindir chuckled. "What happened to you?" You quickly explained that you'd been set upon by an orc pack. You had fought your way through them, but they had nearly overpowered you once or twice.

"Stop. I cannot hear anymore." You closed your mouth and furrowed your brows. "I cannot stand the thought of losing you, Y/N. You mean far too much to me." It was the closest he'd ever come to telling you how he felt. "You mean a lot to me as well, Lindir." You slowly sat up and reached for him.

Your hand found his shoulder. From there, you made your way slowly up to his face.Once you felt the smooth skin of his cheek, you leaned in and found his lips with yours. It took him a moment to kiss back but, when he did, you could tell that he'd so many feelings pent up. When you broke apart, you sighed happily."I love you, Y/N." You smiled. "I love you too, Lindir. Forever." Even though couldn't see it, you knew he was smiling.    

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