Night Sky (Haldir x reader) Artist AU

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Most people would call you crazy for being out in the fields at night. But there was something about the night sky that made your creativity come to life. It drew you to it like a moth to a flame. You just had to paint it, especially when you were suffering from insomnia like you were right now. Glancing at the person sleeping next to you, you slipped out of bed to gather your art supplies.

It wasn't how you intended to spend the late hours of the night while you and Haldir were on vacation, but you couldn't help it. After grabbing your easel and paint, you made your way to the field just outside of the cabin you were staying in. When you found the ideal spot, you set up your supplies and got to work. You knew you had to work quickly if you wanted to capture what you were seeing at that very moment. After all, the sky changes so many times throughout the night, as well as the day. Besides, if you finished this one, maybe you could start another as the sun came up.

As always when you painted, you got lost in your work. Every brush stroke was deliberate. Every uttered syllable was soft. Your eyes flicked between the canvas and the sky as if you were afraid to miss out on one single detail. You got so engrossed in your work, you didn't hear the door to the cabin opening behind you.

When Haldir had opened his eyes and you weren't there, his first thought was panic. That wasn't unusual for him. But as soon as he saw that your easel wasn't in its place, he knew where you had gone. He got up and made his way outside. As soon as he opened the door, his keen eyes found you in the meadow not far off. He rest chuckled to himself and rested against the door frame. He knew you had to be exhausted, but he wasn't going to bother you just yet. He'd learned that lesson the hard way when you'd first met. You had been working on a painting when you caught his attention. He boldly approached you, not expecting to get a splash of paint on his crisp shirt and face. After that, Haldir learned not to bother you when you were in the zone.

"I know you're there, Haldir," you called out. It wasn't very loud, but when it was as quiet as it was now, Haldir heard every word. He gracefully made his way over to you. You had yet to turn your eyes away from the canvas. He knew you were judging your work and probably too harshly. When he was near enough, Haldir wrapped his arms around you and peered over your shoulder.

"It is beautiful, Y/N. As always." You frowned a little. "Truly?" Haldir chuckled. "Truly. You are a master of your art, my love. You judge yourself far too harshly. Your art is moving. It makes others feel like they are walking amongst the stars in the night sky." You let your lips turn into a smile. "Thank you, love," you said as you stifled a yawn. Haldir shook his head fondly before squeezing you gently. "Time for to get to bed."

You started to argue. "My canvas." Haldir rolled his eyes playfully. "I will come get it after you are safely tucked away. I swear." You contemplated for a moment before nodding. Haldir was the only person you trusted with your art. "Alright. Then will you come to bed with me? I sleep better if you're there." Haldir dropped a kiss to your forehead. "Of course, my star." True to his word, he joined you in the bed a few moments later. You snuggled into him, falling into a deep sleep as visions of stars twinkled behind your closed lids.     

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