Let's Go For a Swim (Thorin Oakenshield x reader)

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Being on a journey to a mountain made a good bath hard to come by. So, when you and the company found a decent sized lake, you all took advantage of it. You wanted to get clean as soon as possible. You got in with the rest of the company. Modesty was something that wasn't a huge deal among you anymore. You'd been together for far too long. Plus, you couldn't wait to get into the water. Not only did you want a bath, but you had been dying to have a swim all summer long.

You were clean quickly, of course, but you stayed in the water as long as you possibly could. It was dinner time before you got out. As soon as you were back in camp, you wanted to be back in the water. Still, you sat and ate eagerly, your eyes returning to the lake every so often. You didn't realize that your gazes weren't going unnoticed.

After you ate, you went to the edge of the lake and sat on a nearby log. Your eyes didn't leave the water until you heard someone approaching you. You took out your knife and turned toward the intruder. Thorin held his hands up in surrender, chuckling lightly when you relaxed. "May I join you?" You nodded. Thorin came over to sit next to you.

"I saw you enjoying the water earlier," he said after a few moments of quiet. You let your eyes go back to the moon's reflection on the lake as you nodded. "I was. It reminds me of my childhood. I spent many summers in the lakes around our home. All day I'd be in the water. My mother would send my father out to drag me from the lake at supper time. I suppose it's merely homesickness."

Thorin reached over and gave your hand a pat. "We all feel it, Y/N. And if there's anything I can do to help ease the pain in your heart, I will try." You smiled at him. Biting your lip, you looked between Thorin and the lake. "Swim with me?" He blinked in surprise. "What?" You stood up and began removing your shoes again. "Will you swim with me? One time before we continue on our journey tomorrow?"

Thorin licked his lips as he thought. Would it be such a bad idea to give into you? Probably not. But the bigger question was, could he keep his growing feelings for you a secret in such an intimate setting? Feelings like had been nagging at his brain and his heart for months kept threatening to explode from his mouth every time he was near you. Still, he couldn't say no to the pleading look on your face.

"Of course." You grinned. "Thank you, Thorin!" You finished stripping down and made your way into the water. Thorin stood watching for a minute, dazed by how beautiful you looked in the moonlight. "Are you coming?" you asked him, shaking him out of focus. He followed your lead and removed his clothing before getting in the water.

He swam over to where you were floating. "It does feel nice," he admitted when he was close enough that he didn't have to speak loudly. He didn't want to ruin the tranquility of the moment. You smiled at him which made his heart beat faster. "Y/N?" You cocked your head to the side. Thorin gave you a soft grin. "Never mind. It's nothing."

"It's clearly not nothing. Is everything alright?" Thorin swam even closer to you. He slowly reached up and wiped a little bit of water off your cheek. "You are so lovely," he whispered. He wasn't even sure you'd heard it until your eyes widened. "I-what?" Thorin felt himself blushing. "You are lovely, Y/N. I have thought so from the start. I must admit that I have grown fond of you." He watched your face as he spoke, looking for any sign of repulsion. "Thorin," you breathed out.

"Yes?" You licked your lips, tasting the lake water on them. You let your hands move to Thorin's shoulders, drawing nearer to him if that were possible. Without another word, you let your lips touch his. That feather-light touch sent a spark through you that you never expected and the kiss deepened. Thorin's strong arms wrapped around you and held you against him.

The light waves from the breeze blowing across the lake lapped around you, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. Not when Thorin was kissing you the way he was. The moonlight shone on the lake and the sounds of nature, as well as the noise from the Company echoed all around you, but they seemed so distant, like far away memories. The only thing on your mind in that moment, was the feeling of being wrapped up in Thorin, the dwarf you'd come to love.     

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