Blind Date (Eomer x fem!reader) Modern AU

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Faramir almost felt bad. Almost. You were his closest friend and here he was trying to pawn you off on Eomer. He just needed a little alone time with Eowyn to propose. Just a little time for a romantic date. But Eomer kept unintentionally interrupting them every time. He needed to keep his girlfriend's brother busy for a little while. That was where you came in.

"Please, Y/N? It's only for a few hours. I think you'll really like him." You gave your best friend and unimpressed look. You'd never met Eomer before and you didn't do blind dates. Faramir knew that. They made you anxious. "I promise you can trust him. He's a gentlemen. He won't try a thing." You arched a brow.

"That's what you said about Aragorn too when he was still pining over his then-ex. They're married now, in case you'd forgotten. But I spent our date being unintentionally compared to her." Faramir blushed a little and apologized.

"But this time is different. Please, Y/N...I really need your help." He looked at you with those puppy dog eyes, making you groan. You hated that look. You almost always gave in to it with him. "Alright! Alright, I'll go!" Faramir beamed at you before placing a kiss on your cheek. "Thank you! You won't regret it!" You grumbled under your breath, but he didn't hear as he walked away.

A week later, you stood outside the restaurant, wondering if you should even go through with Faramir's idea. Still, you'd promised so you walked inside, your eyes scanning the place for your date. To his credit, he didn't choose a super fancy place where you felt the need to practically whisper any time you spoke. It wasn't a run-down bar either.

Your eyes landed on the man that fit the description Faramir gave you. His gaze was already riveted on you. Slowly, you approached the table. He stood as you did so and smiled. "You must be Y/N," he said and you felt your heart stutter a little in your chest. His voice was enough to send goosebumps down your arms.

"That's me. Eomer?" He nodded a bit and pulled out your chair for you. As you sat down, you thanked him. "I honestly wasn't sure what to expect," he started to say, "Faramir didn't tell me much about you and I normally don't go on blind dates. But he looked at me with those puppy dog eyes."

You let out a chuckle. "That's what got me too. I've avoided being set up by him for years after the last fiasco but that damned pout gets me every time." Eomer laughed as the waiter came to the table to get your drink order. Once you were alone again, Eomer turned back to you.

"From the way Faramir spoke about you, I assumed there was something between you." You immediately shook your head. "Oh god no! Faramir is my best friend. Practically my brother. Besides, I'm pretty sure he's head over heels in love with your sister," you reassured him with a laugh.

"I am too. But enough about them. I want to know about you." You beamed at him, grateful for the change in topic. You were really worried you'd spill the beans about Faramir's plans if you continued talking about him and Eowyn. You were happy to let Eomer lead the conversation as you ate.

Time seemed to pass slowly and yet too quickly as the two of you talked. Before you knew it, you had finished your meal. "I don't think I'm ready to call it quits tonight," you told him honestly. Eomer smiled and you nearly melted. His smile was just as beautiful as the rest of him. "Neither am I. Bowling? Miniature golf?" You agreed readily.

You and Eomer spent the rest of the evening swapping stories, playing games, and lightly flirting back and forth. There was a connection there and you had to give Faramir his credit. For once, he'd gotten it right, even if he hadn't meant to. Eomer was a great catch. He admitted to having a bit of a temper and that he didn't trust easily, but at least he was able to admit his flaws. Even just hearing how he spoke about his sister told you that he was protective over those he cared about. He was intelligent too.

At the end of the night, Eomer walked you back to your car. He cleared his throat before you could climb into your car. You glanced at him and he seemed nervous for once. It was actually really endearing to see him avoiding your gaze and scratching the back of his neck. He turned those hazel eyes on you after a moment.

"This is a first for me, but I'd really like to see you again, Y/N." You bit your lip and nodded. "I would love that." Eomer reached over and gently grabbed your hand. He placed a light kiss to the back of it. He smiled at you. "Sorry, I'm a bit old fashioned." You shook your head as your lips upturned.

"I like it. I'll see you again soon." Before Eomer could react, his phone rang. "One second." He answered and promptly pulled the phone away from his ear when a very clear voice cried, "FARAMIR PROPOSED!" Eomer nearly dropped the phone and you both laughed. Eomer congratulated her and hung up. "Guess that was the reason for the date?" You nodded sheepishly. Eomer smiled again. "I'm glad. I'll see you around, Y/N."

*one year later*

You smiled at Eomer across the aisle as Faramir and Eowyn were pronounced husband and wife. The wedding party was a bit untraditional as you were Faramir's maid of honor while Eomer was his sister's best man. The two of you had been dating for year and you couldn't have been happier in your relationship.

At the reception, you danced with Eomer, smiling up at him. "You look good in a tux," you commented, making him laugh. "And you look good in anything." He pressed a kiss to your temple. As the music played in the background, you hummed along. "I love you," he whispered. You peered up at him in surprise. "I mean it," he assured you with another breathtaking smile. "I love you too." You rested your head against his shoulder while the music continued to play.

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