Language (Thorin Oakenshield x fem!reader)

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One thing no one really knew about you was that you were an expert in languages. It wasn't that you hid the fact, it just never really came up. That is, it never came up until you joined the Company of Thorin Oakenshield. You were different than most women in Middle Earth. You had a skill set that would typically be considered masculine, but you didn't care. You knew how to survive when evil threatened the world. There were, however, some people that didn't agree with the way you lived your life. The Company was among those.

Despite the fact that you were able to hold your own in the wilderness, many in the Company didn't want you with them. The only exception being Bilbo and Ori. So, when night fell and it was time to make camp, you stayed with those two. Unfortunately for you, the three of you weren't far enough away from the rest of the Company to not hear the things they were saying.

You paused with your spoon half way to your mouth when you heard it. They were speaking in Khuzdul. They were talking about you and it wasn't nice. They kept saying how you didn't belong out there. How you weren't sturdy enough to survive and how they couldn't leave you even though they wanted to because you would surely die.

Ori's face was bright red when you looked at him. Being a dwarf, he knew exactly what they were saying and he was embarrassed, not only for you but for the fact that his kin would talk about someone in their Company that way. You took a deep breath, carefully removing your dagger from its sheath before throwing it in the general direction of the Company. The blade hit Thorin's furs and pinned him to the tree he'd been leaning on.

You set your bowl down and slowly got up from where you were sitting. The entire Company was staring at you with wide eyes. You'd never seen them so scared. You stalked toward Thorin, your eyes never leaving his. When you were right in front of him, you said in Khuzdul, "Now listen here, Thorin Oakenshield! I am just as capable as the rest of you! I am as quick with a knife or sword as I am with my words. Do not believe for one moment that I will simply sit and allow you to speak about me in such a manner." You were practically growling by the time you finished and the entire camp had yet to make a sound.

You reached over and pulled your dagger from the tree, sheathing it once more before turning away. "You know Khuzdul?" You looked back at him and smirked. "My father was a dwarf, Master Oakenshield. He taught me." You walked back over to Ori and Bilbo to finish eating your stew. They all stared at you for a few more seconds before eating again themselves. Thorin's piercing gaze never left your form as you laughed with Bilbo and Ori. He realized just how wrong he had been about you.

After that night, the Company began treating you with much more respect. They all got to know you and grew to like you. They enjoyed your companionship, although none as much as Thorin. Since the night you'd thrown the dagger at him, the king kept an eye on you. He observed your skills and he admired them. He admired everything about you. He couldn't help but nearly laugh at your fighting spirit when you were all captured by the elven guards of Mirkwood.

The whole Company was taken before King Thranduil, fighting the whole way. You wanted nothing more than to throw your dagger at his smug face, but alas, it had been taken from you. Thranduil stood and descended the steps from his throne. All the while, he spoke of how curious it was that Thorin Oakenshield had wandered in his realm. You glared at him as he grew closer to you. The elf loved the sound of his own voice.

When he saw you, he smirked and asked, "What is this? How did such a lovely creature find herself in the ranks of these...dwarves?" You rolled your eyes and replied, "Antolle ulua sulrim." Thranduil's eyes widened for a brief second before his stoic expression returned. "You dare to address a king in such a manner?" You let out a wry chuckled and answered," Lle naa haran e' nausalle. Dolle naa lost." Thranduil's pale face turned red as the Company gasped.

"What?" you asked, turning to them. "You speak Elvish too?" You nodded just before Thranduil began shouting in Elvish to his guards. As they began dragging you all away except Thorin, you gazed back over your shoulder and cried, "Auta miqula orqu!" Thranduil growled before ordering his guards to shut you up. A few moments later, you were thrown into a cell to await your fate or a way to escape. When Thorin arrived, he was in a foul mood, but hopeful Bilbo would rescue you all.

*time skip to after BotFA*

You surveyed the crowded room with a smile. The battle had been won and the Company had survived, although many had been injured including Thorin. Now, the halls of Erebor were restored and celebrations were underway. You were enjoying the celebrations when you heard someone clear their throat next to you. You turned your head to find Thorin standing there.

"Hello, my king," you greeted with a bow. Thorin chuckled and replied, "Do not bow to me, Y/N. If not for you, I would not be here today. It is I who should bow to you. However, that is not my purpose for coming over here." You cocked your head to the side, encouraging him to continue as your heart pounded in your chest. You'd been so frightened when Thorin nearly died. It wasn't until that moment that you realized how much you truly cared for the gruff dwarf and there was a part of you that hoped he felt the same.

"I would be honored if you would accept an invitation to dance from me, Y/N." You smiled and nodded, letting Thorin take your hand in his and lead you to the dance floor. He pulled you close and began to sway to the music. After a moment, Thorin spoke again. "I cannot thank you enough for everything you've done for my kin. For me." You chuckled softly. "You do not have to thank me, Thorin. I-I don't know what I would have done if you'd died," your voice was barely a whisper, but Thorin heard it and his eyes lit up with hope. Not even waiting to finish the dance, Thorin stopped swaying and backed away.

He took your hand and pulled you from the large room to somewhere more secluded. "Thorin?" you asked, confusion obvious on your face and in your tone. "Y/N, I have never been one to express myself clearly, but I dare to hope you know my feelings for you and my intentions toward you." You arched a brow. "Your feelings for me? If you'd said that to me months ago, I would have laughed. After all, you did insult me." Thorin had the decency to look to his feet sheepishly.

You laughed and lifted his face back up to look at you again. "Thorin, please say what it is you wish to say. Do not keep me in suspense." It was Thorin's turned to chuckle merrily, albeit nervously. "I wish to say that I love you. With every fiber of my being. You have become more precious to me than any jewel, throne or crown, Amrâlimê." You felt the tears of joy beginning to form as you threw your arms around him and hugged him close.

"I love you, Thorin," you whispered, burying your face into his neck. You didn't have to look at him to know he was smiling. "It gives me such joy to hear you say that, Y/N because it makes my next question that much simpler to ask." You pulled back a bit. "What question, Thorin?" His hands moved to your hips and gave them a loving squeeze. "I wish to ask for your hand in marriage. I wish for you to be my queen." You blinked rapidly in surprise. You sniffled and hugged him again. "Ai, Amrâlimê. I will marry you." �WԹ�4�

* Antolle ulua sulrim = Much wind pours from your mouth

* Lle naa haran e' nausalle. Dolle naa lost = You are king in your imagination. Your head is empty

* Auta miqula orqu = Go kiss an orc!

* Ai = Yes (Khuzdul)

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