Negotiation (slight!Thranduil x reader)

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(a/n: Thorin lives AU, I had to mess with the timeline just a bit too.)

Thranduil left his tent, a frown on his face. You were nowhere to be found in Dale. It confused the Elvenking. You were sleeping fitfully in the tent next to his the night before and now, you had simply vanished. "Looking for someone?" the voice of the dragon slayer came from behind Thranduil. Bard and Thranduil had both been a bit on edge since trying to negotiate with Thorin. "Y/N is missing," Thranduil replied.

Before Bard could say anything more, a messenger came up followed by Thranduil's son. "Ada, were is Y/N? I have not seen them." Thranduil held up a hand, indicating that Legolas should wait. He held his hand out to the messenger, his long fingers gently gripping the scroll. Thranduil unfurled it and his heart fell to his feet. You'd been taken some time in the night. By Thorin. How had they managed to get past him?

"What, Ada?" Legolas asked, catching Bard's attention as well. Thranduil's piercing blue eyes shot toward the Lonely Mountain. "They have taken, Y/N. They are attempting negotiate. Y/N's life for the Arkenstone." Thranduil's grip on the paper in his hand tightened, crumpling it. "I am going after them!" Legolas announced. Thranduil shook his head. "Ada? You would let them kill Y/N?" For a moment, Thranduil said nothing, lost in thought.

Over the years, you had served Thranduil well. You were not actually a servant, but of noble blood. However, you served as Thranduil's council. Everyone had grown to love you and none more than Thranduil himself. Now, he had a decision to make. Did he dare to try and call Thorin's bluff or did he negotiate and try to save you?

"ADA! Y/N had been on your council for years and you would let them die for the sake of your pride and for a few white gems?!" Legolas suddenly cried, causing Thranduil to scowl. "Legolas, enough. I am not going to allow Y/N to die. I will negotiate with Oakenshield, despite his sickness. Bard, I would ask you to bring the Arkenstone." Bard, the more level headed of the two, nodded immediately and rode up to the Lonely Mountain with Thranduil. He prayed he could get to you in time.

*time skip*

Thranduil was searching the dead for any sign of his son or you. He had not negotiated with gold sick Thorin quickly enough so he had no idea if you were even in the battle. He found neither. Legolas found him first. "Y/N?" Thranduil asked his son once he ascertained that he was unharmed. "I did not see them. Do you suppose they are still in the Mountain?" Thranduil cast his eyes back toward the Mountain.

He mounted his elk and rode back to the mountain. "Oakenshield!" He called out, knowing that Thorin had somehow survived. After a few moments, Thorin appeared, limping. "Have you not had enough conflict for one day?" Thorin asked, arching a brow. Thranduil dismounted the elk. "I want Y/N returned to me. They are my most important councilor." Thorin looked away sadly.

"I apologize. I was not myself. I would never have..." Thranduil held up a hand. "Is Y/N alive?" Thorin nodded. "They fought alongside my people in the battle and now they are healing the wounded. I regret negotiating their life for the stone. Keep it. Now, please," Thorin gestured for Thranduil to follow him inside the mountain. Finally, Thranduil laid eyes on you. You were dirty, covered in dirt and blood, but you had a kind smile on your face as you treated a wounded child from Dale.

"Y/N," Thranduil breathed out, but with your keen hearing, you heard him anyway. You turned and met his gaze. You finished what you were doing and approached him. "My King," you greeted, bowing. "Y/N," he said again, this time giving you a traditional Elvish greeting that was the race's version of an embrace. You blinked rapidly before returning the gesture. "It is so wonderful to see you alive, mellon." You exchanged smiles, knowing it was over. You could return home, no negotiation necessary. 

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