Birthday Girl (Fili x fem!reader) Modern AU

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Fili took a deep breath before opening the door of your shared home. "Y/N?" he called out. Your car wasn't in the driveway, but he wanted to be sure you were actually out. When he received no answer, Fili let out a sigh of relief. He searched the house quickly, just to be absolutely certain you weren't in the shower or something. No sign of you, for which Fili was grateful. He couldn't have you home now.

He immediately got to work on cleaning up the house as he waited for your best friend Bilbo to arrive. Bilbo was helping Fili to get the house ready for your party, but even he didn't know the biggest surprise Fili had for you. Fili had just finished vacuuming the living room carpet when the bell rang. "Thank goodness you're here Bilbo!" Bilbo tried to smile at Fili over the piles of decorations in his arms. Fili took some of them. He was just happy Bilbo had an eye for this kind of thing since Fili didn't. Together, the two of them got the house ready and guests began arriving in carpool. Fili just hoped he could pull this off.

You parked your car and smiled at the sight of Bilbo's car as well as Fili's uncle's. They always made sure to be there on your birthday. You sighed happily and opened the door to a semi-dark house. "Fili? Bilbo? Thorin?" your voice carried through the quiet house. You set your keys and bag down before heading into the kitchen. "Fee?" you asked. "SURPRISE!"

You nearly jumped out of your skin as your friends and family appeared from every corner of the kitchen. You clapped a hand over your mouth as you choked back a sob. Fili was standing in the center of the kitchen with the dopiest grin you'd ever seen. "Fili Durin! You scared me half to death!"you scolded through your laughter. "I love you too," he said with a chuckle.

"You are the best boyfriend a girl could ask for, you know that?" He smiled at you and hugged you close. "Well, keep your hat on because the surprises aren't done yet." You pulled back and looked at him in confusion. He exhaled heavily and took a step back. The entire room went silent as Fili got down on one knee and pulled out a small box. You could feel the excitement growing all around you as your eyes widened. "Fee?" you squeaked.

"Y/N, I know your birthday is about celebrating your life and I would love nothing more than to celebrate your life every single year for the remaining years we both have. To celebrate not just one day a year, but every day for the rest of forever. I should be giving you gifts, but I wonder if you will break tradition just once and give me the gift of saying yes to marrying me?" You couldn't fight the tears that began to fall.

"Ofcourse I will, Fili!" you cried. The room erupted in applause and laughteras Fili slipped the ring on your finger and rose to his feet. He pulled youclose and kissed you. "Thank you, Fili. This is the best birthday ever. Ilove you." Fili gave you a little squeeze and told you that he loved you too."Good. Now, please tell me that Bilbo baked the cake." Fili andeveryone else who heard you laughed. "Bilbo baked the cake." You dida little happy dance in Fili's arms. "Great! Let's eat!" Fili shookhis head fondly and kissed the tip of your nose.    

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