Designer (Thorin Oakenshield x fem!reader)

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(everybody lives AU)

The door of your little shop opened, making you look up from your work. Standing in front of you were the two princes of Erebor and their uncle, Thorin. You stood to curtsy, but Thorin waved his hand. The two princes refused to meet your gaze, which was odd unless..."Did you rip your new cloaks already?" They gave identical, sheepish nods. You rolled your eyes. "Let me see the damage."

You were a designer of sorts. Your top priority was making certain Thorin and his nephews, as well as your own King Bard looked like the royalty they were. Unfortunately, the two younger Durins always managed to find trouble, meaning they needed their clothes repaired often.

"Well, come on. I need to see how much work the two of you have made for me this time," you demanded with a wink. Thorin smirked. They handed you the bundles of clothes and you could see several rips along the cloaks as well as their new tunics and trousers. "Really? You know, if you two would quit chasing after trouble, you might be able to keep your clothes intact. Either that or find less...forceful women to court."

Thorin let out a low chuckle while the boys blushed furiously. "Now, since I have so much work to do, I must ask you all to leave." Fili and Kili couldn't get out of there fast enough, but Thorin stayed behind. "Is there something more I can do for you, Your Majesty?" Thorin nodded. "Yes, if you have the time." You gave him a charming smile that had him struggling to focus.

"I always have time for one of my best customers." Thorin laughed and asked, "Perhaps you could help me then. I'm sure, being a resident of Dale, you've heard of the upcoming ball for King Bard's official coronation. I am in need of new attire for it." You nodded. "Of course. I can start today, if you have the time to let me get your measurements." Thorin nodded and proceeded to remove his heavy coat.

When he was ready, you began your measuring, holding your breath the entire time. You didn't get close to Thorin very often, although you definitely wanted to. There was something about the King Under the Mountain that drew you in. He was charming and kind, albeit gruff and he did what was best for his people. You hadn't realized he felt the same about you. There was a reason he chose you to create clothing for him and his nephews, even though he could choose any darrowdam in Erebor.

"Are you aware that you need to breathe to live, Ms. Y/N?" Thorin quipped suddenly. You glanced up to meet his deep blue eyes and smiled. "Of course, Your Majesty. I simply did not have the heart to tell you that you are in need of a bath." Part of you wanted to slap yourself silly for saying that, but you couldn't help it. Sarcasm was your defense mechanism. Luckily, Thorin automatically realized that you were joking and he laughed.

"All finished. I should have it ready for a fitting in a week. Now, I must get to work on your nephew's ruined rags. Good day." Thorin left and you sank down into the nearest seat. You sighed at your stupidity before you got back to work.

A week later, Thorin returned. You presented him with an outfit of dark blue fabric, adorned with silver jewels here and there. "It is stunning, Ms. Y/N." You beamed. "I'm glad. Now, shall we?" Thorin took the new clothing gingerly and stepped into the private fitting area. A few moments later, Thorin cleared his throat, making you turn to face him. He looked wonderful. He always looked amazing to you though.

"It is a bit loose here." You nodded and went to work pinning it. "Y/N?" You looked at him in surprise. He never called you by your name. It was always either "Lady Y/N" or "Ms. Y/N", never just your name. "Yes, Your Majesty?" you replied, returning your gaze to your work. "I know you must be incredibly busy with the ball being in a fortnight, but I was hoping to ask you for one more thing."

"Of course. What is it?" Thorin's face was bright red, he could feel it. "I am in need of a gown for the ball as well." You stopped pinning and looked back at him with a quirked brow. "Oh? Do you plan on changing during the ball?" Thorin let out a hearty chuckle. "Of course not. It is for someone I wish to bring to the ball with me."

You felt your heart drop to your feet. You didn't expect that. You didn't even know Thorin had someone special. "O-Of course. You must send her to me for her measurements." Thorin shook his head. "There is no need. She is exactly your size and build." You nodded and made a mental note. "Very well. What colors does your lady prefer?"

Thorin smiled. "I wish you to choose. It is a surprise for her and I trust your judgment." Another nod from you. "Alright. Why don't you go back and change again. I will hopefully have both of these done before the ball. Good evening." You kept silent until Thorin left your shop. Only then did you let your sniffles become audible. You hadn't expected it to hurt so much.

Another week went by before Thorin came by again. You had just finished the beautiful (f/c) gown that you sewed little jewels into when the door opened. "It looks stunning, Y/N," Thorin breathed, staring at the gown that was on the dress form next to his attire. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I hope your lady will love it."

Thorin didn't reply which caused you to turn around to look at him. He was looking down at his shoes. "Your Majesty?" He raised his eyes to meet yours. "I have a confession, Ms. Y/N." You cocked your head to the side. "I do not have a lady love. I simply did not know how else to ask you if you would attend the ball with me."

You opened gaped at him. His confession bounced around in your mind. Thorin wanted you to go with him. "Me? Why me?" Thorin smiled. "Why not you? You are beautiful, hardworking and witty. You do not hesitant to call my nephews out on their recklessness, despite their royal status. You know you deserve more, yet you are still content to be here for the rest of your days because you are passionate about what you do. That, to me, are all the makings of a wonderful queen and if you will consent, I would like to court you. Starting with King Bard's coronation."

"You...had me design my own gown just so you could tell me this?" you asked quietly and Thorin nodded. You took a step closer to him, your eyes never leaving his. "I would love to, Your Majesty." Thorin brought his hand up to cup your jaw. "Please call me Thorin." You grinned as Thorin's face drew closer to yours. "Thorin," you whispered just before his lips met yours.     

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