Clothes Part 2 (Dwalin x fem!hobbit reader)

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Dwalin watched as you smiled and giggled with the elves and Bilbo. You were no longer wearing Dwalin's clothes, but an elven-made dress that had been tailored to fit your curvier figure. Your laughter carried on the wind all over Rivendell. Dwalin was so lost in his thoughts, he did not noticed that you came to sit down beside him. "Good evening, Master Dwalin!" you chirped happily. Dwalin gave a little grunt and turned back to the fire the Company had built using pieces of broken furniture.

"Ya look nice, Y/N," he muttered so low that only you could hear him. You felt your face flush and you knew it wasn't from the heat of the fire. "T-thank you, Dwalin." For a few moments, the two of you sat in silence while your Company celebrated. Dwalin cast a sideways glance at you. Your eyes were glued to the fire in front of you and there was a small smile gracing your lips. The feelings Dwalin had for you were dangerously close to exploding out of his mouth.

He'd be captivated by you almost the moment he met you and, as the journey to the mountain continued, the old dwarf found himself falling in love with you. He'd stared at you enough to memorize every curve of your body, every curl of your (h/c) hair and every twinkle in your (e/c) eyes. Dwalin was so entranced looking at you once again that he hadn't realized you'd turned back to him. "What?" he asked you, causing you to laugh a little. "I asked if you'd like your clothing back? The elves were kind enough to wash them."

Dwalin looked at you, his heavy brows furrowed in confusion. He wasn't sure why you'd be asking him if he wanted his clothing back. "I, uh, well..." you trailed off, unsure how to tell him. "What is it, lass?" You gazed into those deep eyes and sighed. "Lord Elrond has offered to allow me to stay here." Dwalin said nothing for a moment, simply blinked rapidly while opening and closing his mouth like a fish. Finally, he found his voice. "Are ya gonna take him up on the offer?" You shrugged. "I haven't decided, Dwalin."

Without another word, Dwalin huffed, got up and left. You sat there, stunned at his reaction for a moment before you got up to follow him. "Master Dwalin! That was very rude!" you scolded him, "Perhaps I should stay here if this is how you are going to act." You stormed off to the room Lord Elrond had been so gracious to provide you. You sat down on the bed and thought about why Dwalin was so upset when you told him about Lord Elrond's offer. You sighed and laid back on the fluffy bed.

You really didn't want to stay in Rivendell, but the thought of having to see Dwalin every day knowing he didn't share your feelings was almost too much for you to bear. Still, you were stubborn and decided that you were going to finish this journey with the Company and help the dwarves reclaim the mountain. You stripped off the beautiful dress and got ready for bed. You knew Thorin wanted to leave as soon as possible and you were determined to be ready.

The next morning, you dressed in Dwalin's clothes and headed out to meet the Company. Their faces all lit up at the sight of you, except Dwalin who was simply staring at you. "Good morning, Master Dwalin," you greeted when you approached him, doing your best to sound cheerful. "Yer wearing my clothes again?" he said, although it sounded more like a question. You glanced up at him. "You were kind enough to lend them to me, I assumed you wanted me to wear them." Dwalin nodded vigorously. "I did! I do! I-" You giggled and kissed his cheek. "You are awfully cute when get flustered, Master Dwalin."

Dwalin's face turned red and he started stuttering. You grabbed his large hand in your smaller one, intertwining your fingers. You hoped this conveyed what you felt for the gruff dwarf and that he wouldn't pull away. Dwalin glanced down at your hands and then back up at you. Instead of pulling away like you feared, Dwalin gripped your hand tighter and pulled you closer. He was a dwarf of few words, but his actions right then spoke volumes.


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