The Librarian (Thorin Oakenshield x reader)

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(Everybody lives AU! The song the reader sings in "Starlight" by Starset)

"Balin, can you translate this for me?" you asked sheepishly. Ever since you appeared in Middle Earth, you'd been trying to find your niche. When Erebor had been reclaimed, you thought you'd found it. You, along with Balin and Ori, were set with the task of rebuilding the absolutely glorious library of Erebor. Once everything was organized again, you'd be the librarian. The problem was that a good chunk of the books were written in Khuzdul. It made it really difficult to stay focused. Little did you know, you weren't the only one having trouble.

Thorin was in Dale, trying to negotiate a treaty between Erebor, Dale, and Mirkwood but he couldn't seem to concentrate. His mind kept wandering back to you. Against his best efforts, Thorin had fallen in love with you. Everything about you spoke to him, even your stubbornness. You could stay toe-to-toe with him when he grew impatient. You had even stood up to him when he was suffering with Dragon Sickness.

He had tried to fight his feelings to no avail. However, he would never say anything to you. There was no way you would love him after the way he acted toward you. It didn't help that swarms of dwarrowdams surrounded him too many hours of the day. He never had the chance to talk to you and make you love him.

After negotiations that day, Thorin returned to Erebor. It was late so he decided to go right to his chambers. As he was walking, Thorin heard something he wasn't used to. Singing. Curious, Thorin followed the sound of the voice until he stumbled upon its owner. You. You were singing softly but clearly and it was apparently a song from your world.

In you and in me
Fuse us
Into unity
We're coupled
Born from the universe
The void is calling
Don't fear
For futures and dreams
They're fleeting, retreating
It's ok
I promise

I don't know what to say
But I'm going to want you till the stars evaporate
We're only here for just a moment in the light
One day it shines for us the next we're in the night
So say the word and I'll be running back to find you
A thousand armies won't stop me I'll break through
I'll soar the endless skies for only one sight
Of your starlight

Thorin decided to follow you as you walked around. Thorin knew it was a habit of yours to take walks nightly. After struggling in the library all day, your mind became clouded and your walks helped you to relax and sleep soundly. But it was the lyrics that caught his attention. It sounded like you were confessing your love to someone. Thorin imagined it was him. He wanted it to be him.

Tell me
Just tell me to stay
I'll turn
I won't look away
I'll stay here
I'll never go but you don't feel the same
Farewell and godspeed
Light years
Between you and me
I'm fading
Your beauty conquers the darkness

At night the earth will rise
And I'll think of you each time I watch from distant skies
Whenever stars go down and galaxies ignite
I'll think of you each time they wash me in their light
And I'll fall in love with you again
I will find you
A thousand armies won't stop me I'll break through
I'll soar the endless skies for only one sight of your starlight

Don't leave me lost here forever
Show me your starlight and pull me through
Don't leave me lost here forever
I need your starlight and pull me through
Bring me back to you

Thorin smiled as your clear voice sang out the last note. Only then did he speak up. "Are you fond of the stars?" You jumped at the sound of his voice. "Thorin! Geez, you scared me!" Thorin chuckled softly. "My apologies. I heard you singing from the corridor and stopped to listen." You felt yourself flush. You didn't usually sing in front of people.

"You didn't answer my question. Are you fond of stars?" You nodded silently. Thorin took your hand and pulled you toward the entrance of Erebor. His hand felt like it was on fire from your touch, but he chose to ignore it. He lead you to a clearing where you could see the stars more clearly. Then, he pointed to the sky and told you a story of a constellation.

The two of you sat in the grass and gazed up at the stars. Thorin told you story after story about the stars as you sat and listened. Thorin kept glancing at you. Your face was lit up in delight and you kept a smile that Thorin melted for.

Suddenly, he frowned and turned away from you. "Thorin? What wrong?" you asked, confused by the change in his demeanor. "Nothing. We should both be in bed." Thorin got up and turned to walk away. He didn't hear you following him so he looked back. You were still sitting there, your knees pulled up to your chest as best you could. He could see tears shining in your eyes.

"Have I caused you distress?" he asked you and, without thinking, you nodded. "I thought you hated me, then we sit here and I thought maybe there was hope, but now you're acting like you hate me again." He quickly returned to your side. "My darling, I could never hate you. I love you. I have for quite some time. I simply thought you could not love me after the way I treated you."

"You what?" you asked with wide eyes. Thorin sighed. "I love you." You let your legs fall and you turned your body toward him. "You do?" He nodded and refused to meet your gaze. He froze for a moment when he felt your hands cup his bearded cheeks and your lips met his. He reached up and rested his hands on your wrists and kissed back.

You pulled back, smiling when your gaze met his. "I love you, Thorin. I know that there are a lot of people vying for your attention, but you stole my heart first." Thorin laughed. "No, Amrâlimê. It is you who have captured my heart and, if you will let me, I will spend the rest of my days proving to you how much I love you."

You kissed his nose. "You already have, Thorin. You already have." Thorin moved his arms so they were wrapped around you. Then he laid down, pulling you with him. You rested your head on his chest and fell asleep in that field, looking up at the stars.    

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