Mornings (Bard x fem!reader)

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"Y/N? Darling, it's time to get up," you vaguely heard the sound of your new husband's voice through your sleep induced haze. You groaned, causing Bard to chuckle. You felt him lean over and press a kiss to your temple. "Y/N?" You mumbled something and turned away from him. The two of you had a late night the night before and you weren't ready to get up. You felt the bed shift as Bard rose. He shook his head fondly as he headed for the bathroom.

He sighed happily when he glanced back at you. The two of you had just recently been married and Bard hadn't been that happy in a long time. It also helped that, as the new King of Dale, Bard could provide for you and for his children from his first marriage. He never thought he'd marry again, but you'd wiggled your way into his heart and into the hearts of his children. They loved you too.

When he returned from the bathroom, Bard saw you hadn't moved. Laughing to himself, Bard decided there was still time to spend in bed with you. He crawled back in bed, but before he could wrap his arms around you, the bedroom door opened and three children came barreling in. Just as Bard was about to tell them to keep the noise down, they ran over and jumped on the bed.

You woke up with a squeal and then started laughing. "Good morning, Da! Good morning, Ma!" You smiled at little Tilda. The three of them had started calling you "Ma" the minute you and Bard announced your engagement but it still warmed your heart. "Good morning, my darlings," you greeted sleepily. You sat up and stretched, casting a glance down at Bard, who had one arm around Bain and the other resting above his head.

You laid back down and Tilda crawled between you and Bard as Sigrid got on your other side. The children were all still in their nightclothes and their hair was tousled from sleep. Tilda snuggled into you and you began running your fingers through her head of curls. "Will you tell us a story before breakfast, Ma?" she asked, looking up at you with wide eyes full of hope. You laughed and began telling the children one of your favorite stories.

Bard turned his head to look at you, watching you mouth move as you spoke. He couldn't fight the smile on his lips. He loved mornings like this. Just the five of you. Before the worries of the day began and before Bard had to don his new title. Mornings were Bard's time to just be Bard. The loving husband and father. Bard was so lost in thought, he didn't hear your story finish nor did he hear the door open.

"My king! The children!" the maid cried, stopping short when she saw the children piled on the bed with you. "My apologies," she said earning a chuckle from Bard. You soon joined him, followed by the maid and the children. "I'll go tell the cook to ready breakfast then, your Majesties." She curtsied and left. "How many time do I have to ask them not to call me that? Not to bow?" Bard mumbled. You laughed and reached over to cup his cheek.

"You are the king, my love. They love and respect you. That's how they show it." You kiss him, earning a "Ew!" from Bain and Tilda. "Now, why don't we all get dressed and get breakfast. Then, after your father and I are done with all our responsibilities for the day, what do you say we have a picnic? Just us? We'll take a basket and go out, eat in the fresh air." The children cheered, scrambling out of bed and scurrying from the room.

You laid back down, your head on Bard's chest. "I love you, Y/N." You smiled against his chest and replied, "I love you too, Bard." Bard pulled you closer and kissed the top of your head. You sighed happily, enjoying the feeling of belonging and safety in your husband's arms. You would gladly continue your stressful duties as queen as long as you could have mornings like this one.

HqK }[#

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