Red (Fili x reader)

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You'd met the company quite by accident. You had been out hunting when you came across an orc pack. As soon as you saw them, you ran. Unfortunately for you, you weren't paying attention to where you were running and ran right into the back of Bilbo Baggins, sending him flying into Kili and setting off a domino effect throughout the company. As you propped yourself up on your knees, a hand came into your line of sight. You looked up at met the blue-green eyes of a young, blonde dwarf. That was the first time your face turned red.

Several weeks later:

Red. You saw that color every time you talked to Bofur now. Ever since he found out about your crush on a certain dwarf prince, he'd been teasing you relentlessly. Not only that, but he'd gotten Kili, Nori and even grumpy old Dwalin to join in. In fact, the only one in the company that seemed oblivious was the blonde price himself. Red also happened to be the color your face turned every single time you were around Fili. You just couldn't seem to control the heat that crept up to your cheeks.

"You should tell him, you know," Kili whispered next to you. You were currently in between him and Bofur as the company sat around the fire. "Tell who what exactly, Kili?" You glared at the young dwarf, who simply smiled mischievously. "Tell Fili that you love him, of course!" Bofur chimed in, loudly. You grabbed one of his pigtails and pulled his head to you. "Shut it! I do not love Fili. He isn't my type."

"I'm not?" came a voice from behind the three of you. You turned and saw Fili leaning against a tree with a hurt look in his eyes. Without waiting for an answer, he turned and stalked off into the woods. "Fili, wait!" you cried, getting up to go after him and ignoring the whistles and cheers from the company. "Fili, please stop!"

You hadn't noticed that he did as you asked and you ran smack into him as he turned around. Both of you fell to the ground with an "oof." When you opened your eyes, you saw that his face was inches from yours. Blushing, you moved to get up but he held you there. "I'm not your type? The blush says otherwise." You tried again to get up, but he wouldn't let you. You looked down at him and bit your lip. "Screw it," you mumbled and surged forward.

Your lips met his soft ones in a kiss that you hoped conveyed everything you felt for him. Fili flipped you both over, not breaking the kiss. Your lips disconnected and reconnected in passionate kisses. They molded together like two pieces of a puzzle. Before things got too heated, you finally broke apart, panting. "You are most definitely my type Fili," you said between breathes. "I love you, Y/N," he told you smiling. "I love you too."

He helped you up and the two of you walked back to camp hand-in-hand. The rest of the company cheered as you approached. Once again, you felt the heat dusting your cheeks. Fili leaned in and whispered, "Y/N, red is a good color for you."


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