Thranduil's Elk (Thranduil x fem!reader)

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You had always been fascinated by the wildlife of Middle Earth. Everything from Wargs to deer. Even the smallest animal caught your attention. You just had to learn more about it. It was something your lover Thranduil admired about you. But nothing fascinated you more than Thranduil's elk.

The beast was massive, but so very gentle. At least most of the time. Regrettably, you didn't get much interaction with the animal. Because the elk didn't know you very well, Thranduil was worried your close presence might provoke it and you would end up hurt. It was Thranduil's way of protecting you. Of showing you that he cared.

You knew he cared deeply for you, even though he rarely expressed it. You understood. Love was rare for elves. And two loves in a lifetime? Even more so. Thranduil had loved his wife, his queen until the day she died and even for centuries after. He never planned on loving anyone else. And then you came along and changed his mind and his heart. But still, he never vocalized his adoration for you. Then one day, it changed.

You were brushing the mane of your horse when someone cleared their throat. Without looking, you knew it was Thranduil. "Lady Y/N, I was wondering if you would accompany me on a ride this evening?" You turned to him with a soft smile. "Of course." You moved to bring your horse out of his stall, but Thranduil stopped you. "I thought perhaps you would care to ride with me." He gestured behind him toward his elk and your eyes widened. "Really?" Thranduil gave you a smile and nodded.

Cautiously, you approached the elk. Now that you had the opportunity you'd been waiting for, it was almost frightening. The creature regarded you warily, but saw you were with Thranduil and calmed. You felt Thranduil's hands on your waist merely seconds before you were lifted off the ground. A light squeal escaped you as you were set down on the beautiful elk.

Thranduil climbed up gracefully behind you before urging the elk to move. You jolted a bit. It was different that riding a horse since the elk was bigger. Still, the elk obeyed Thranduil's voiceless commands with ease and you found yourself leaning back against Thranduil, sighing happily. "What changed your mind?" you asked suddenly. Thranduil didn't reply at first, just continued with the ride.

After what felt like only a few minutes, Thranduil pulled the elk to a stop. You looked around. Thranduil had brought you to a secluded, yet safe, glade within his realm. He dismounted the elk and then helped you down. Without a word, he turned away from you. Needless to say, you were concerned. Had you done something? Was there something wrong with Thranduil? With the realm? You called out his name.

"You asked what changed my mind," he began, "The answer is you did." He finally looked at you again, his blue eyes gluing you to the spot. You didn't speak. You had a feeling that he needed to get something off his chest. "I have told you of my fondness for you, Y/N, but I have not told you just how deep that fondness goes." He gently and unexpectedly took your hands in his.

"When my wife left this world, I nearly broke. I nearly let my realm crumble into ruin. If not for my son, I would have done just that. But my son is an elfling no longer. He does not need my attention or affections so much. I thought it impossible for me to ever love again. And You appeared, shining like the brightest star in the sky and for the first time in so long, I felt hope again. I felt like I could love again."

You felt tears pricking your eyes at his words. Never before had he been so free with his expressions. You were seeing an entirely different side to him. "But," he continued, "I must tell you that I have not been entirely honest with you, Melamin." You cocked your head to the side in confusion. "You have not seen my true face," he said sadly.

In the blink of an eye, the glamour shielding his scars was gone, leaving you to look at the scarred, red, cratered skin. Where many would have been repelled or disgusted, you only felt pity. Your love, your Thranduil, had suffered greatly. You carefully reached over and tried to touch that side of his face. "Don't," came the whispered plea. You switched hands and reached for the other side of his face instead.

"Look at me, Thranduil." He reluctantly did as you asked, prompting you to smile. "This changes nothing. Scars mean nothing to me. They have not changed who you are on the inside. If you were attempting to frighten me off, I'm afraid to say that you failed. I love you, and nothing is going to change that." The glamour returned and Thranduil looked at you in surprise.

The smile never left your face as you leaned in to kiss his cheek. "I love you," you whispered again. He replied in kind, only in Elvish. It was the first time he'd actually said the words to you. You wanted to jump up and down for joy, but you kept your decorum to a degree. "Now, I believe I was promised a ride?" Thranduil managed to let out a small laugh he otherwise would have kept inside. "You are quite right, my lady. Shall we?" After a nod, Thranduil helped you back up onto the elk and climbed up behind you. You leaned back as the elk began to move again. There, atop of that magnificent beast, in Thranduil's arms, you felt safe and secure. You felt free. You felt loved.    

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