Rangers and Riders (Eomer x fem!reader)

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Your eyes were glued to the man in front of you. "What business do a Ranger, a dwarf, an elf, and woman have in these parts?" he asked. Gimli and Legolas were ready for a fight and you could tell. It was your brother who spoke while you tried to calm your friends. "Calm down, Legolas," you whispered in Elvish. The man took off his helmet, revealing a head of long blond and brown locks. His green-grey eyes were scanning your small group.

Somehow, you found yourselves in Fangorn Forest, looking for Pippin and Merry. You found Gandalf instead, back from the dead. It was Gandalf who decided you would ride for Rohan, where Théoden was suffering at the hands of Sarumon and Grima Wormtongue. You rode quietly behind your brother, your mind racing. It seemed you were running in circles with no end in sight. Then, you saw him again.

After Gandalf helped Théoden get back to himself, the Rider who had met before returned to Rohan. He instantly caught your eye. "That is King Théoden's nephew. Eomer," Gandalf told you in a hushed whisper. You nodded, you eyes not leaving Eomer's form. "He his very handsome," you muttered, hoping Gandalf wouldn't hear you but of course he did. "You know, fortune favors the bold, Y/N." You let out a snort and shook your head. "Not this time. If you haven't noticed, I am not the typical lady. I think I'll go train." With that, you swept out of the room, unaware of the set of eyes following your form.

Eomer had been taken in by your beauty the moment he first saw you. With sword strapped to your back, dirt all over your face, and windswept hair, you were a vision of loveliness to the Rider of Rohan. He was definitely intrigued by you and wanted to know more. After finding a reason to excuse himself, Eomer followed after you. He found you outside with your brother, sword in hand. He watched quietly as you parried and thrusted. It was almost like a dance.

It was Aragorn who spotted Eomer first. He lowered his sword and motioned for you to do the same. You glanced over your shoulder. "Lord Eomer." Eomer smiled and walked over to the two of you. "Perhaps you'll allow me to join you?" You gave your brother a look and he nodded. "Good idea. Y/N is too used to my technique. She could benefit training with someone else for a while."

Aragorn moved to the side so Eomer could grab a sword and face you. Your lips were turned up into a smirk. "Are you certain you want to do this, my lord Eomer?" you asked. Eomer noted the mischievous twinkle in your eyes and agreed readily. "Fair enough," you said, suddenly lunging for him. He was caught off guard briefly and Aragorn laughed from his place on the sidelines.

He watched as you and Eomer sparred. It was graceful and a little bit playful, but one thing couldn't be denied. The chemistry between you and Eomer hung in the air like a fog. Everyone around would have seen it. Aragorn took the opportunity to slip away. Normally he wouldn't but you could protect yourself so he wasn't worried.

You and Eomer continued until your muscles were sore and you were covered in a thin sheet of sweat. "I must say, you are very well trained," Eomer said and you laughed. "Yes well, I had a good teacher. You are very good yourself." Eomer smiled. "My lady, this has been a wonderful evening and I would love to do this again." You gave an exaggerated curtsy. "Nothing would please me more. I'm certain we've missed the festivities by now. Would you escort me to my room?"

Eomer agreed and offered you his arm. As you made your way back inside, the two of you talked softly. As you suspected, the castle was quiet. When you reached your chambers, you turned to him. "Thank you for such an eventful evening, Lord Eomer," you said, leaning in to kiss his cheek. You scurried into your room, a deep blush heating your cheeks. Once the door was closed, you leaned against it, a grin on your lips.

On the other side of the door, Eomer was standing there, his mouth open insurprise. You had kissed him. Out of nowhere, you had kissed him. True it was only his cheek, but still. A kiss was a kiss. Eomer laughed quietly to himself and turned away from your door. He made his way to his own chambers, a skip in his step and smile on his face.    

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