A Father's Disapproval part 2(Lindir x fem!reader)

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You were humming to yourself when Lindir entered the room. You gave your love a smile which he did not return. "Lindir?" His dark eyes met your (e/c) ones. He looked almost frightened. "Lindir, what is it?" He sat down next to you and gently took your hand in his. Now you knew something was wrong. "Is Arahaelion harmed?" you asked, worried for your eldest son. Lindir shook his head. Your brows furrowed. "Then whatever is the matter?"

"It is your brother. He has arrived." You sat there for a moment saying nothing. You had not seen Legolas since he had left Mirkwood, many years before you had. It had been nearly twenty years since you'd seen your father. "Father sent Legolas? He would not come himself?" You couldn't deny that it hurt you a little. It was true that your father had disowned you but you didn't think he would send your brother for something so important just to not see you.

"I am sorry, Melamin. I am certain your brother would be pleased to see you, however." You nodded and stood as gracefully as possible with your swollen belly. You wanted to see your brother before the council began. You would not be allowed to join and did not know if you would have another chance to see Legolas after.

You followed Lindir to where your brother was standing, admiring the view of the Imladris. "You look well, brother," you greeted. Legolas turned to you with a soft smile. "Y/N," he said as his eyes darted down to your belly, "I have...missed you." Without warning, Legolas pulled you into a hug. You could practically feel Lindir tense beside you. He became rather overprotective whenever you were carrying his children inside you. Legolas pulled away and you arched a brow. "Been enjoying your time in realm of Men, I see," you commented and your brother chuckled. "Perhaps a bit." You turned to your husband. "Stop worrying. I am alright."

When you looked back at Legolas, he looked troubled. "What is it?" Your brother breathed deeply. "Father is only a day behind me. He had important matters to deal with before he could leave our kingdom, but he is coming." This time, you felt a little of the joy you felt seeing your brother leave you. How had your life come to this?

As Legolas had predicted, your father arrived the next day while you were in the middle of arguing with Legolas. "It is dangerous, Legolas! What is Father going to say?" you spoke rapidly. Legolas glanced at you with raised brows. "You did not seem to mind what Father said when you left," he retorted calmly.

"That was different. You know it was. My life was not and is not in danger. You could die!" Only then did you notice the presence in the garden with you. You glanced over and nearly jumped out of your skin. Legolas followed your gaze. You gaze a silent traditional greeting while Legolas softly said, "Ada."

Thranduil's icy eyes left your brother and landed on you. They took in the sight of you, stopping on your stomach. You could have sworn his gaze softened at the sight. "Arguing again, just like when you were children." You stood there, unable to speak to your father for probably the first time in your life. The two of you stared at one another for what seemed like eternity until you finally found your voice.

"A-King Thranduil, welcome to Imladris." Thranduil's gaze never wavered as he hummed in response. Legolas looked between the two of you and sighed. "I think I shall go and prepare for the journey. Be well, Sister. I shall see you upon my return," he said before leaning closer to you and whispering, "Make peace with him, Y/N." With that, he walked away after saying goodbye to your father.

For a while longer, neither you nor Thranduil spoke. Then, your father asked, "Are you well? Are you happy?" You let a smile tug at your lips a bit. "Yes. Lindir is a wonderful companion, husband, and father and Imladris is a fine place to bring up our young ones."

"Yes, your brother mentioned a son when he last was in Mirkwood." You wanted to groan at the awkwardness of the conversation. Your father was stubborn, you knew, but this was ridiculous. You weren't going to apologize for leaving with Lindir. You'd really had no other choice. But you were certain your father would never apologize either.

"I should find my son. He had his first archery lessons this morning and I am certain he will wish to tell me about them." You turned to leave, but Thranduil's voice stopped you. "Y/N, I should not have spoken to you the way I did." You looked back at him and searched his face. There were no signs of deceit. You smiled, knowing this was the closest thing you would get to an apology from him for now. "Would you care to accompany me and meet my family?"

Thranduil spent the rest of the day with you and your family. At first, Lindir was wary, but being the elf he was, he said nothing and welcomed your father graciously. While you knew it would take a while longer to completely forgive him or for him to express his approval, you were taking steps in the right direction. That's all you could hope for and one day because no matter what, Lindir was your family and nothing was going to change that, not even your father's disapproval. 

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