A Guard of Gondor and A Rider of Rohan(Eomer x fem!reader)

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You glanced around Gondor for signs of your best friend. It didn't take you long to find him. When you spotted him, even your fatigue from fighting couldn't hold you back. You were just grateful he was alive. "Faramir!" you cried, running to him. He opened his arms and you threw yourself into them. "You're alive," he whispered. You grinned and pulled back slightly. "Did you doubt my ability?" Faramir chuckled softly. "Of course not."

You caught sight of a young woman with light hair standing behind Faramir. You straightened up and smiled at her. "Hello, my lady," you greeted. "Ah, yes. Lady Eowyn, this is Y/N. She's one of our guards and my best friend since birth almost. Practically a sister." Eowyn's gaze softened when Faramir told her of your relationship. "Pleasure to meet you, Lady Y/N."

You opened your mouth to reply when you saw him. An extremely handsome man with long hair and a dark beard was coming closer to your little group. AS he got closer, you could see his green-grey eyes. His expression was worn, yet kind. The expression of one who had seen many battles in his life. It was a look you knew well.

"There you are, sister," he greeted in a deep voice that rattled you. When Eowyn looked at him, you could see the battle in his eyes. The emotion behind them bounced between relief and rage. He suddenly pulled his sister into a hug and whispered in her ear. You took a few steps back to give them their space, but his eyes found yours and you found your feet glued to the spot.

"Who is this?" You curtsied. "Y/N," you replied with a grin. "Eomer, my lady." Your eyes met his again and time just seemed to stop. There was no one but the two of you. Before then, you never believed you could fall for someone at first sight until now. Would you say you were in love? No. Interested? Absolutely, but there was a part of you that was wary. You never thought love was in the cards for you. That was the part you chose to listen to. You weren't going to fall in love with the Rider of Rohan.

*time skip*

You lied. You did fall in love with Eomer. It seemed so easy. You spent a lot of time together discussing different battle strategies and ways to protect your cities. Over that time, you grew close and you realized he was exactly what you had been hoping to find in a partner. There were only two problems. The first was that Eomer hardly showed any signs that he felt the same way for you. Occasionally he'd do or say something to give you hope, but he would quickly move past it. It was frustrating to say the least.

The second problem was that Eomer was now the heir to the throne of Rohan. That meant, when the celebration of Eowyn and Faramir's nuptials was done, Eomer would return to Rohan with his uncle. The very thought put you in a dreadful melancholy, although no one seemed to notice except Faramir.

"What is it?" he asked you over breakfast one morning. You glanced up at him and told him that nothing was wrong. He gave you a look that clearly said he didn't believe you. Your gaze flicked over to Eowyn for a brief second. "You can tell us, Y/N," Faramir assured you. "Whatever it is will stay between us." You took your bottom lip between your teeth and sighed. "It is Eomer."

Faramir and his bride-to-be gave each other a knowing glance. "You love my brother." You let out a groan. It was one thing telling them, but hearing her say it out loud made you feel so silly. "Yes. And it is killing me. There is no hope for it." Eowyn cocked her head to the sighed. "And why not?"

"Because he returns to Rohan after the celebration and I will remain here. He is to be king one day and I'm just...me. A guard of Gondor. I'm not worthy of him." Eowyn let out an unladylike snort. "My brother is a Rider of Rohan first and foremost. He will be king because Uncle has no other heir, not because he desires it. You are more than worthy of him." You shook your head silently and rose from the table. "Thank you for your kind words, Lady Eowyn, but do not give me false hope." You turned away from the table and stopped short.

"L-Lord Eomer," you stuttered out, too shocked to curtsy. Your heart was threatening to pound right out of your chest. How much had he heard? Eomer let his eyes travel to his sister and Faramir. "Would you leave us?" he asked them. You couldn't look away from him as you heard the sound of chairs scraping against the floor and footsteps retreating. Only when the steps were no longer audible did Eomer finally look at you again.

For a moment, nothing was said. Eomer looked as if he were trying to find the right words. "Do you truly think so little of yourself?" he asked suddenly, making you arch your brow. "I do not think little of myself. I simply know my place." Eomer shook his head. "Clearly you do not." Your eyes narrowed at him and he chuckled softly. "If you did, you would know that your place is by my side, no matter the circumstance. As a fellow warrior. As a companion and friend. As a princess."

You couldn't say anything. You weren't sure exactly what to say. "I know I have not been very good at letting you know how I feel. I apologize. The only person I have ever shown affection toward has been my sister and I was...frightened to think you may rebuff my advances." This time, you laughed. And he thought you weren't confident?

"I wouldn't. I made my affections for you known, Eomer." He smiled. "I know. Now, I will ask the question I have been trying ask for weeks now. Will you return to Rohan with me?" You looked into his sparkling eyes and, as if your body had a will of its own, you nodded. You had no idea what was ahead for you, but you did know that with Eomer by your side, there was hope.    

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