Donor (Doctor!Elrond x fem!reader{platonic}) Hospital AU

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Elrond's brows furrowed. You were there again, talking to the patients like they were your best friends. It confused and slightly irritated him. The hospital was supposed to be a peaceful place for people to heal. You were a distraction from that. Not only that, but Elrond had no idea what you were doing there. You looked so out of place.

You always wore a leather jacket and sneakers and walked around with your head held high. You looked exhausted though. Still, the smile never left your face. Not even when you tripped or ran into things, which happened often. Very often. It seemed you were always clumsy whenever Elrond was around. It definitely didn't help the tranquil atmosphere he was trying to create. And you seemed healthy enough so what were you doing there?

"Good bye, Arwen. See you in a couple of weeks," you said with a smile directed toward Elrond's daughter. After you left, Elrond turned to Arwen. "You know her?" She nodded. "Of course. Y/N is here all the time." Elrond raised a brow. "She doesn't look like one of our usual volunteers." Arwen smiled. She worked as a nurse so she knew exactly why you were there.

"She's not exactly." Elrond groaned softly. He hated when people talked in riddles...except himself of course. "Who is she, Arwen?" Arwen cocked her head to the side. "Why don't you ask her yourself? She'll be back in two weeks." Elrond left Arwen more confused than ever.

*two weeks later*

Elrond was waiting at the desk when you entered the hospital. Once again, you wore your leather jacket, despite the warm weather outside. You smiled at him as you approached the desk. "Back again, Y/N?" Arwen asked. You nodded. "Sure am. And I remembered my juice this time." Arwen laughed. "Y/N, this is Doctor Elrond. We're short staffed so he's actually doing the blood work in the lab today."

"Great!" you exclaimed with another smile in his direction, "I'm here to donate blood again." His brows drew together. "Again? Is that why you're here all the time." You nodded. "Yeah. I donate blood a couple times a month and bone marrow a couple times a year." Elrond contemplated while Arwen handed him your file. "Here you are. She knows what to do."

Elrond lead you back toward the lab so he could draw your blood. That explained a lot. It explained why you were always so clumsy when you left but not when you came in. It explained why you were always smiling even though you looked tired. If you donated blood or marrow every time you were there, then a good bit of the blood they had in the blood storage was yours.

Once in the lab, you took off your jacket and Elrond saw why you were wearing it all the time. On your arm, was a nice sized bruise. "What happened there?" You gave him a sheepish smile. "I was a little dehydrated when I came in last week and a vein burst. It happens sometimes. You'll have to take from the other arm today."

"Is someone you know here in the hospital?" he asked suddenly. You looked at him in confusion so he continued, "Normally, when people donate as much as you have, they have a relative or very close friend in the hospital." You shook your head. "No. I just want to help. I did have someone in the hospital once and a blood transfusion saved their life. And I'm have the universal donor blood type so why shouldn't I donate? If I can save someone's life, if I can keep a parent alive for their children or vice versa, why shouldn't I?"

Elrond didn't say anything for a minute. It was rare for him to meet someone as selfless as you were. Sure, a lot of people donated, but not as much as you did. There was nothing and no one at stake for you. You did it out of the goodness of your heart. "Everything okay?" you asked, pulling Elrond out of this thoughts. He finally smiled at you. "Everything is fine. Shall we?" You sat back and offered up your arm. "Stick away, Doc."

A few minutes later, Elrond escorted you back to the front of the hospital. "Thanks, Doc." Elrond thanked you in return and watched as you walked out, trying to drink the rest of your juice without tripping. Elrond had a smile on his face. If nothing else went right that day, he was grateful for the experience with you. You showed him that the world wasn't as dark and cynical as he assumed. You showed him there was hope.

(a/n: I strongly encourage blood donation wherever possible, in a safe and sanitary location!)

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