Sparring (Fili/Kili x fem!reader x Thorin)

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Fili and Kili were freaking out. The three of you had been sparring and Fili hit you hard enough to bruise. Fili knew his uncle would be furious. You had joined the Company weeks before and you and Thorin instantly hit it off. So quickly in fact, that your (h/c) hair was already sporting a courting braid. Thorin was convinced you were his One and his nephews knew it. They also knew that Thorin would skin them alive if he discovered that they had done any kind of damage to you, even a small bruise.

At that moment, the two were fussing over you and making you laugh. "Boys, boys calm down. This is nothing," you assured them. You found your bag and fished out your make-up. "Let me show you." You opened the make-up and used it to cover the darkening bruise. "See? You uncle needn't know." The two young dwarves smiled at you and threw their arms around you. "Thank you, Y/N!" You giggled again and patted their arms. "Alright, alright. I have first watch."

You took your place and scanned your surroundings. A tap on your shoulder made you jump. "I apologize, Amrâlimê. I brought you some of Bombur's stew ," Thorin told you, his deep blue eyes full of amusement. He handed you a bowl and you smiled. "Thank you, Thorin." He returned the smile, something you only saw when the two of you were alone. You shifted in your seat and flinched a little when your arm brushed up against Thorin's.

Thorin's brows drew together in confusion. "Y/N? What is it?" You shook your head. You certainly didn't want to get the boys in trouble. After all, it was a risk you took when you asked the boys to spar. "Thorin? Y/N?" a small voice drew your attention away from Thorin. Bilbo stood there, your wineskins in hand. "Thank you, Bilbo." Bilbo smiled and took a step toward you. He tripped over a root, sending your wineskin flying through the air.

It hit your shoulder and water began pouring down your arm. "I am so sorry!" You waved off his apology and laughed. Bilbo's face was red as he walked away grumbling. Thorin joined you in laughter until he caught sight of your arm. The water had washed the make-up away, revealing the bruise on your arm. Thorin's eyes widened. "Y/N, what happened to your arm?" You sighed. You knew you'd have to tell him the truth. Besides, there really was no reason to lie.

"I had a little accident today when I was sparring with Fili and Kili," you explained, watching Thorin's face brighten in anger. "They did what?" he asked through clenched teeth. He stood up and made to stalk over to his nephews. You grabbed his hand and pulled him back down gently. "Thorin, don't. It was an accident, a risk I took when I asked them to spar with me. Don't be too hard on them," you said softly. The fury in his eyes melted away as you spoke and he sighed, "Alright, Y/N. I suppose you are right. There is no need to be angry." He wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

"Just please promise me you will be more careful in the future?" he pleaded. You smiled and kissed his bearded cheek. "Of course. Maybe next time you could join us and show those nephews of yours what a real warrior looks like," you teased. "I am a real warrior!" Kili cried from behind you. You and Thorin laughed. "Kili, the point of eavesdropping is to not let anyone know you're there," you told him. Thorin hugged you closer and said, "While you are eavesdropping, I will tell you this: If either one of you bruises your future aunt again, I will make you wish I simply shaved off your beards." You snuggled closer into him and rolled your eyes. Life was never dull with your boys.


(a/n: Thanks for over 3,000 reads!!!)

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