I Love a What? (Dwalin x fem!elf reader)

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"I shall have you know that I was against your presence in my company," Thorin grumbled to you. You had known of his hatred of elves, but you were also aware of Thorin Oakenshield tendency to get lost. When you had offered your services as a guide, it was Balin who convinced him that the company could use your assistance. Since then, most of the company had warmed to you, especially Bilbo. The only hold outs seemed to be Thorin himself and the burly, gruff Dwalin.

"I am aware, Master Oakenshield. Your dislike of my people is well known," you said flatly. You were in no mood to argue with the sullen leader of the company. "I said I was against it. Now, I am grateful." Without another word, Thorin turned away, leaving you on watch. You smiled to yourself. One down, one to go. Dwalin was a mystery to you. One you were determined to solve and, as luck would have it, Dwalin was on watch with you that night.

"Good evening, Master Dwalin," you greeted. He quirked a heavy brow, but said nothing. In truth, the old dwarf was thinking. Ever since you joined the company, he'd had mixed feelings about you. While he didn't outwardly hate elves, Dwalin wasn't terribly fond of them either. Except you. Somehow, you had wormed your way passed his cold exterior although he would never say it out loud.

"You do not like me, Master Dwalin," you said simply, bringing Dwalin from his thoughts. For a moment, Dwalin was silent. That wasn't unusual. The dwarf never spoke much. He retreated into his own mind once again. Dwalin never thought to fall in love at all at his age. He especially never believed that he would fall in love with an elf. Yet, as he sat next to you, taking in your (h/c) tresses, pointed ears and (e/c) eyes, Dwalin knew he was indeed in love.

Now, there was the internal debate on whether he should say anything. In his mind, there was no possible way you could love him. He was an old dwarf, a warrior, covered in battle scars and tattoos. Not exactly the type to attract beautiful she-elves. "Dwalin?" Dwalin shook his head and looked at you once again. Your eyes were full of concern. "Are you feeling well?" you asked him. "M'fine," he mumbled. You sighed and turned your eyes forward again. You were supposed to be keeping a look out after all.

If Dwalin would only speak up and confess, he'd know that you had grown to care deeply for him as well. The rest of your watch was spent in silence. Then, you gave him one last glance before retiring to your bedroll. You spent much of the night tossing and turning, unable to get the enigma that was Dwalin out of your head. Finally, you gave up on sleep and decided to find the nearby river and perhaps have a bath.

It seemed you weren't the only one with that idea. As you approached the river, you heard his voice. Dwalin was muttering to himself. "I'm an old fool. I love a what? An elf that couldn't possibly love me." You decided to make your presence known. "Do you often scold yourself, Master Dwalin?" If you didn't know better, you would have sworn you saw him jump.

"Do ya often sneak up on old dwarves?" he retorted. You chuckled softly before doing something most other elves would never do. You leaned down and kissed the top of his balding head. "For the record, Master Dwalin. I do love you." You took a few steps toward the river. "I fancied a bath," you told him with a cheeky grin. Dwalin never moved more quickly in his life and your giggles floated into the night sky as the two of you spent the rest of the night the way lovers do.


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